Chapter Six

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It pained the boys to see Rosemary so quiet all afternoon since the events of the day before.

The sun had broken through the clouds for once this Saturday, giving every student the chance to spend most of their weekend break outside enjoying the nice weather as much as they could before the colder days would soon take over.

However, Rosemary stayed indoors focusing on her Potions assignment and organizing all the ingredients in her room that she needed for making the Amortentia potion with Sirius next Monday.

Anything to distract herself from the blood-soaked memories that occurred in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom yesterday. Despite trying so hard to pretend like nothing had even happened, her mind kept playing tricks on her, the sight of the bloody words piercing her own skin and the very realistic screams leaving her mouth taking over her mind all day.

The boys tried all afternoon to get her out of the dorm, but no matter what they did, the staircase was charmed with a wailing klaxon and the staircase constantly turning into a stone slide, leaving them piled up on the floor every single time they tried to jump up the steps. James even tried flying his broom indoors to reach the top, which Remus pointed out was a very stupid idea. I told you so's left his mouth once James had returned hexed and covered in an unknown slimy substance clearly unamused while Peter couldn't keep his laughter under control at all.

"It's not funny, Wormy! I've got detention with Lily tonight and I look like a bloody troll just threw me up." He spoke repulsed looking down at his mucky clothes trying to wipe the slime from his hair and glasses.

"You look just like Snivellus, actually." Remus pointed out, jokingly.

James tried to hide his smile at Remus' sense of humour, but he was still upset that he was covered in the mucky substance that also smelled of rotten milk.

This only made Sirius join in on the fun, clutching Peter's shoulder laughing like a fool with his friends.

"Better hurry then and get all freshened up before she comes back with Marlene from their girls trip to Hogsmeade." Sirius joked which caused James' eyes to widen in a fit of panic, not sparing another second before wobbling as fast as he could past his friends across the wooden floor towards the showers and almost slipping from the gooey substance under his shoes.

James would rather kiss a Dementor than be caught seen by Lily Evans in this condition, to be quite honest. So he tried his best to bolt out of the common room before she could witness him in this mess, leaving a trail of his slimy footsteps along the floor.

"He's such a moron sometimes." The boys could hear a sudden voice that belonged to their dear friend speaking at the top of the staircase, quietly laughing to herself as she stared down at her friends with her arms crossed.

Rosemary heard all the commotion outside her dorm and was curious to find out what was making James sound so irritated only to find the boy drenched in a sticky green substance, the bottom of his shoes squeaking on the floor as he shimmied away in the opposite direction.

"But he did make me laugh quite a bit, he's always been good at that." She finished walking down the steps avoiding the slime to meet the boys at the bottom of the stairs.

"How are you feeling, Rosie?" Remus asked kindly, feeling reassured that she was already looking much better than the night before. Then again, she always knew how to put up a front.

When it was time for bed last night, the boys had stayed with Rosemary and kept her company as they had promised in the common room. Remus was sitting on the chair that he loved so much, drifting in and out of sleep. Once in a while, he would wake up to check on how Rosemary was doing beside the crackling warm fireplace while Peter and Sirius were already fallen in a deep sleep on the ground with blankets and pillows to replace their beds.

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