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~ addison pov

"Oh my goodness, she is just so precious!" Nessa said as she looked at our ultrasound photos. We had just gone for our monthly appointment, making six months this week. Time was surely passing fast, but not quick enough.. I wanted to meet my baby girl already.

"Yes, she is going to be as pretty as her father!" Bryce said, making me giggle. We were currently at the Sway House for a day of packing. We had finally been able to finalize the paperwork for our new house. With being approved to travel and the wedding being this weekend, we had a lot to get done.

All of the boys blocked a couple of days off for us in order to help us. We were able to move most of Jacob's and my stuff yesterday, now focusing on Bryce. He didn't have much besides his merch. We had decided to buy all new furniture, so I just assisted by folding his clothes. The girls helped me, time moving quicker as we talked. Jacob was currently at The Damelio home, Dixie having begged to be able to have him over. They loved stealing him every now and then, but I didn't mind, it gave us a little break which was much needed during this move.

"Is Jacob coming to the wedding?" Mads asked. I shook my head as I frowned. We had thought of it and were encouraged by Jason to bring him. However, with the new baby coming soon, we knew we weren't going to have any alone time to ourselves. This was our time for us, our little getaway, which is why we decided not to take him.

"It's a parents getaway!" Avani said, making me giggle. "Are you nervous for the new baby at all? I can't believe that in three short months, we'll have two babies!" I smiled as I thought about it. I nodded, admitted that I was nervous but this was normal. I already knew how overwhelming it would be to be parents to two kids soon, but there wasn't anything I couldn't do with Bryce by my side.

I smiled as I saw him come in and out of his room. He had made multiple trips by now to put boxes into the truck. When he came back this time, he walked over to me. He kneeled down to my level, giving me a kiss. "Are you girls hungry? We're gonna order some food!" he said, all of us girls nodding.

"Okay, let's take a little break then!" He said, holding my hand as he helped me up. We walked towards the kitchen to have the same discussion we would have almost every day - what we would eat today. The guys almost always fought about this, but I didn't care, I would eat anything. My pregnancy cravings were never too crazy.

As they finally decided on bbq, everyone moved onto the couch to relax. The boys put on some Sunday football, while most of us girls just stayed on our phones. I looked through my messages as I realized one of my friends from home had sent me an article. I opened it to see Keith's face plastered on it. "What the fuck is this.." I whispered to myself, but apparently not being quiet enough as I got the attention of Bryce. He looked over at me, giving me a weird look as he asked me if everything was okay. I nodded, but proceeded to read the article.

Addison stripped me of all rights.. it's sad truly because our son will grow up without a father, his father, because of her.

I heard she was pregnant. My poor son will be treated differently, 1000%. No matter how much they say they won't, Bryce isn't his father and he will prioritize their new baby.

I still keep up with them because I want to make sure Jacob is in good hands. If I thought he wasn't, I would take him back. A lot worries me about Bryce, especially his past. I know he has an anger issue but all I can do is trust Addison and hope she would be smart enough to not put our son in danger.

I jumped up as I felt Bryce's hand land on my thigh. "What's wrong??" he asked me. I shook my head as I began to walk up to his room, Bryce following me. He asked me again what was wrong, but this time I just gave him my phone. He took some time to read the article, rage showing in his face and voice. "What the fuck is his problem!!" He said, now being very pissed off.

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