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~ bryce pov

"My boys, the gang is here!" I yelled, holding my baby girl that was now two months old and letting Jacob run into the house. We had arrived at Sway for a very special day. Today was the day that I would finally be proposing to Addison. We had just recently celebrated two years together, and I wanted to keep the celebrations going by asking her to finally be my wife.

She had been doing a lot better. She was in therapy and dedicated to it. She had also been focusing on working out, both of us doing that together which I think really made her feel better.. it brought out the motivation in her to get out of bed. She was also working again, doing events and even recently landing a role in a movie. I was so proud of her, Addison was really doing great things but even with everything, we had to always put her mental health first and make sure she wasn't too overwhelmed.. which we always did.

Today, I had finally been able to convince her to go out with Mads. She hadn't gone out with her girls too much recently. She always either didn't feel up to go out or felt guilty about leaving our kids. But today, I didn't leave her a choice. I knew she would want her nails looking nice for the proposal anyways, so it was the perfect outing.

As I walked into the home, I saw all of my boys in the kitchen, Jaden immediately reaching out to grab Brynn while Jacob ran directly into Josh's arms. We were here to get everything prepared for the proposal. I had chosen to propose here because I wanted all of our friends and family involved, this had also been the place where we had initially bonded at one of my parties. I remembered it like it was just yesterday and I wanted to reenact that all for her.

So we would.

Just classier, like Addison deserved.

We began to decorate by throwing rose pedals, creating a path to the outside, directly to the pool - where I had taken her to try to escape that night of the party. We filled the pool with rose pedals as well and candles. I had bought a bunch of flowers to decorate the backyard, making it look nice. I had lastly made a pile of rose pedals on the opposite side of the pool, with letters that read "Marry Me?" She wouldn't be able to see them upon walking outside, but that was where I would ask her the question.

As we decorated, I put Brynn to sleep while Jacob helped us. He was so good, he would do any task that was asked of him. It took us about two hours to finish everything, the final product looking absolutely stunning. I couldn't help but smile as I looked at it, picturing myself here in a couple of hours with Addison in my arms.. asking her to be my wife.

While I stood there, I felt Jacob run towards me, hugging my legs. I smiled at him as I kneeled down to his height. "All of this is for mommy??" he asked me, smiling. I nodded as I told him it all indeed was for his beautiful mother. "Daddy is asking mommy to marry her tonight, is that okay?" I asked him, Jacob not being old enough to really understand marriage, but his blessing met the world to me. Along with Addi's parents' blessing, I wanted his as well.

He smiled as he nodded, "mommy and daddy going to be together forever??" he asked me in his adorable tone, making me smile big. "Forever, baby!" I told him before picking him up and taking him inside to join the other guys. They were all hanging in the living room, taking their well deserved break after we had all worked hard to finish everything. It was now 5pm and we were expecting Addison at 7 for the proposal, I had planned it perfectly so she'd be here during the sunset.. her favorite.

I took a seat next to them, Jacob making himself comfortable in my arms as he was also tired. He had completely missed his nap due to all of the excitement this afternoon of decorating. As we sat there, I felt Jaden drop a bag next to me, the one with my suit. He smiled at me before grabbing Jacob who was dozing off into sleep, telling me it was time to get ready.

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