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~ bryce pov

I parked the car by Jacob's soccer field after having to speed here just to make it in time. As I walked up, I saw many kids already being picked up by their parents. I waited to be able to speak to the coach, seeing that he was surprised to see me here. "Bryce! What are you doing here??" He asked me, catching me off guard. I told him I was here to pick up Jacob, but he let me know that Jacob hadn't made it to practice today.

"He was picked up directly after school, he wasn't at practice." He let me know, but none of this made sense.. we were all home. How could he had been picked up?? My thoughts began to wander to all different kinds of places, the coach bringing me back. "Is everything okay??" he asked me. I cleared my throat as I looked up and nodded, "Yeah, of course, I gotta go though. I'll see you around!" I said as I began to walk away.

I grabbed my phone, immediately calling Sheri as none of this made sense. I knew that she was with Addison, but this couldn't wait. As she picked up, I barely allowed her to speak before asking her if she knew who could had picked up Jacob from school. "What do you mean? Aren't you picking him up from soccer practice?" she asked me, she didn't know any more than I did..

I took a deep breath, not wanting to deliver the news over the phone, but I had to tell them. "Jacob never made it to his soccer practice.. he was picked up from school.." I said, Sheri immediately beginning to freak out over the phone. I heard her yell as she cried, telling me that this wasn't possible. We both knew exactly who had taken him, Keith.

As I made it off the field and closer to my car, I saw paparazzi. They immediately began to follow me, wrong day. I told them to leave me alone, but they of course never listened. "I'm going to tell you one last time, fuck off." I said as I had to tell one paparazzi in particular to back off. I had just found out that my son had been taken by his crazy father, the last thing I needed to deal with was them.

"Dude.. calm down! What's the problem, Addison broke up with you??" I heard him say. I heard other paparazzi laugh, but the joke wasn't very funny to me. My rage took over and I swear I saw black in that very moment. As I heard Addison over the phone, not even her sweet precious voice could stop me from doing what I did next.

Everything became a blur as I grabbed this man by his shirt and began to beat him. I soon felt familiar hands on me, pulling me off of him. I turned around to see the coach trying to calm me down. As I saw the paparazzi that I had just hit, I saw him bleed from a busted lip. I shook my head as I grabbed my phone, turning to the coach. I couldn't contain it anymore, I felt myself fall apart as tears began to roll down my face.

"My son is gone coach, someone picked him up from school and it wasn't us."

~ addison pov

"Mom.. mom, I need you to tell me what is going on right now." I said, now freaking out as the call cut out with Bryce. I turned to my mother who seemed broken and my father who held her in his arms. "If Jacob isn't okay, I need you to tell me mom, please.." I begged her. This was my son and my mom couldn't even form a sentence. I held onto her hand, beginning to cry as I couldn't help but think of the worst.

"Addison.." she began, trying to control her breathing. "Addison, Bryce went to go pick up Jacob but he was gone. He was picked up from school but we don't know by who."

Her words broke me. My son was gone? My Jacob was gone?? How could this had happened. How was this even possible. I fell to the ground, my father catching me as I couldn't control my emotions. My mother hugged me, asking me to stay calm and to remember I was pregnant. But how could I stay calm when my son was kidnapped from school.

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