chapter 3

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          As soon as Emma got home she gave her mom her journal back but was able to convince her mom she needed her laptop for homework. she took her laptop and went into her room, closing the door behind her. she was scrolling though her news feed when she saw a video of a blond haired FBI agent giving a press conference. she curiously clicked on the video. "Hi my name is Supervisory special agent Jennifer Jareau I'm an FBI agent with the behavioral analysis unit and I'm here to tell you that everyone can sleep safe tonight as we have caught the unsub her name is Samantha Malcom and she would kidnap woman and turn them into dolls but everyone can sleep well tonight because we caught her and she is getting the help she needs, thank you that will be all" replied Agents Jareau as she left. Emma was intrigued maybe she could get the FBI to help her. she searched up the agents name fallowed by behavioral analysis unit and that's when she found something on the FBI website. supervisory special agent Jennifer Jareau the communications liaison for the BAU. she read thought the page till she came across an email address for Agent Jareau. she clicked on it and started writing an email.

       Dear, SSA Jennifer Jareau

     My name is Emma Magnum I'm 17 years old and I live in Oahu, Hawaii. I'm a teenage Private investigator I want to ask you and your team for help on a 17 year cold case. My dad,Thomas Magnum went missing 17 years ago when I was only a few months old. I believe he is still alive and no one believes me. I know the probably of him be alive after 17 years is so slim but I know he's alive I can feel it. Here's what we know, we know that he was meeting up to discuss one of his PI cases with his clients and he told my mom he would be back in a few hours but he never did so my mom and my 3 uncles TC Calvin, Rick wright and detective Gordan katsumoto went looking for him and all they found was his red Ferrari on the side of the rode abandoned and he was never found. after 17 years he's become a legend and no one believes he is a real person, everyone at school thinks I'm weird and crazy but I'm not, I know he alive but know one else does so I'm alone. please just at least look into it, I know you need the local police's permission  to work the case so contacted Detective Gordan Katsumoto and tell him his niece Emma Magnum is calling in her Favor. please I'm begging you at least look into the case before you gave an answer that's all I ask.


Emma Magnum

      Emma read over her email checking for spelling errors and making sure she added all the necessary information and hit send, now all she could do was sit back and wait and see if the Agent Jareau responded.

               meanwhile in Quantico Virginia the BAU had just gotten back to the office after flying back from Atlantic city, new jersey. "alright I don't know about you guys but I'm so ready to head home and sleep" said Morgan. "me too, How about you JJ" replied Emily. "I have some work I still need to do" said JJ. "I'm sure work can wait till tomorrow" said Morgan. "No I need to do some stuff" replied JJ Alright well good night JJ" Said  Emily. "good night you guys" replied JJ as she watched her friends/colleges leave. leaving her and Hotch as the only ones in the office. she walked out of the Ball pen and into the hallway to her office. she opened her door to see a new pile of cases for her to look at but before doing that she decide to look in her emails as she scrolled thought her emails she found nothing of importance's till she came across one from a seventeen year old girl from Hawaii asking the BAU for help solving a seventeen year old case. she got emails like this all the time but for some reason this one stuck out to her, so she decide the least she could do was look into it but first she would need Hotch's approval. she printed off the email and walked out of her office and into the ball pen she looked up and could see the lights on in Hotch's office. she walked up the stairs and knocked on Hotch's office door. "come in" replied Hotch.  "Hotch I need to ask you something" says JJ. "ok what is it" asked Hotch. "So I got an email from a 17 year old girl in Hawaii asking for help with her missing dads cold case and I just want leeway to check it out" says JJ. "I don't know we don't usually handle those types of cases replied Hotch. "I know but something about this case just sticks out to me" replied JJ. "ok fine but keep me posted" replied Hotch. "of course thank you sir" replied JJ as she walked out of Hotch's office.

      she walked out of the Ball pen and into the hallway all the way down to Garcia's Office. "Garcia I need a file on a old missing persons cold case" said JJ. "ok what is the name" asked Garcia. "Thomas magnum" replied JJ. "state and city of case " asked Garcia. "Oahu, Hawaii" replied JJ. "ok I'll bring you the file when I have it" replied Garcia cheerfully. "just leave it on my desk, I'm heading home I will look at it in the morning. thank you" replied JJ smiling. "your welcome " replied Garcia. JJ left Garcia office and headed to her office to grab her purse and head home for the night.

ok hope you enjoyed this chapter and as you can see it is now a crossover with criminal minds. just wait this is only the beginning. as always the next chapter will be out in the next few days.

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