chapter 11

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the team had spent hours looking for her, they had Garcia track Emma's phone which lead them to a ware house. they found Emma's phone on the ground outside of it so they took it to Garcia and she was able to hack into it and find the recording that she had made between the conversion between the mafia boss and her dad. You guys need to hear this" replies Garcia as she starts the recording. "Thomas how is everything going" asks the mob boss. "Yes everything is going according to plan and should be ready by Friday" replies magnum. "Excellent" replies the mob boss. that's when the hear her knock off the box and a few seconds later they hear the sound of gunshots and her moaning in pain Thomas take this girl somewhere and get rid of her" says The mob boss. "On it sir" replies magnum. next they can hear the ripping of a shirt. "Emma stay with me ok your gonna be fine" says Magnum and then they hear the sound of the door open and everything went silent. "Oh my god she was shot" Says Higgins terrified. "maybe she was hit in the arm or the shoulder" said JJ trying to comfort Higgins

"Garcia did you find anything on the security footage from the last 12 hours" No but wait...this is odd" says Garcia." what is it Garcia" asks Hotch concerned. "well there's about a 2 hour window of missing time" says Garcia. "what do you mean" asks Higgins confused. "there's 2 hours of footage erased" replies Garcia. "Is it possible for someone to hake it" asks Hotch. "No the only way to erase footage is from the computer" replied Higgins. "Garcia can you get it back" asks Hotch. "working on that now.....I Got it Oh my God you guys need to see this" says Garcia. "ok so at around 8 Emma's car pulls into the garage of the guest house and she's not driving it, Its a male. the male then picks her up and carrying her inside and that's all we see from the cameras in the garage but then later he leaves and heads into the guest house and takes some food, water and towels then heads back to the Guest house and we get a clear shoot of his face. Oh my God its Thomas magnum" replies Garcia."ok Morgan, JJ, Prentiss. Rossi, Reid and I will head to the guest house every one else stay here, we don't know what his state of mind is he's been forced to work for the mafia for 17 years there's no telling how his state of mind is" says Hotch. "He wouldn't hurt Emma" says Higgins as the agents head to the guest house.

Meanwhile at the guest magnum sits in a chair by his daughters bed side waiting for her to wake up. he looks at her as he notices her starting to wake up. Emma tries to sit up and magnum helps her. "Daddy" says Emma. "Hi baby I'm glad your awake I was worried about you how are you feeling" asks Magnum. "My head hurts and my arm is sore" replies Emma. "I know baby you were shot, I got the bullet out and it hit nothing major your going to be fine and as for your head you have a mild concussion but you'll be okay" replied Magnum. "You saved my life thank you" said Emma. "Of course I did your my daughter I wasn't going to let you die said Magnum fashioning a sling from a old t-shirt for Emma's arm" replied Magnum. all the sudden he hears the door open. he immediately pulls his gun and puts himself in front of Emma like a shield. "FBI put the gun down" says Hotch. "How do I know you don't work for the mafia and you really hear to hurt Emma" says Magnum.. "JJ holsters her gun and pulls out her badge and hands it to Magnum. "this could be fake" says Magnum. "Its not I promise we just wanna help but we cant do that until you put the gun down" says JJ. "Dad you can trust them I asked them to come to Hawaii to help find you, there friends" says Emma. magnum looks at Emma and then back at the agents. "Promise me you will help me protect her" says Magnum. "we wont let anything happen to Emma I promise" says JJ. Magnum drops the gun and kicks it of to the agents but doesn't move from Emma still uncertain if he can trust them. "Emma are you okay" asks Rossi. "I'm sore but I'm fine, Daddy saved my life" says Emma.

"Lets get you two, to the main house there are some people that want to see you both" says Hotch. "I cant I have to go, its the only way to keep everyone safe" says Magnum. "No you don't because we are going to keep all of you safe and the only way to do that is with your help" says Hotch. "You promise you can keep my family safe" asks Magnum. "yes we will make sure we are with you and your family at all times" says Prentiss. "Ok lets go" says Magnum as he picks up Emma. "You know I can walk right" says Emma. "I don't care, I don't want my baby doing anything until she's better" says Magnum smiling and giving her a little kiss on her forehead. they walk out into the backyard and head for the main house Zeus and Apollo following behind Magnum. they walk to the door and Hotch opens it and immediately he sees Higgins. "Juliet" says Magnum as he caries Emma over to her. he places Emma on the couch and then walks over to Higgins who is crying tears of joy. "Thomas your alive" says Juliet. "I've missed you my love" says Magnum as he kiss her. then he turns to see Rick.TC and Katsumoto. "Hi guys thank you for taking care of Emma" says Thomas as he hugs each of them. they don't say anything they just stand there in shock."Kumu thank you for taking care of my Juliet and Emma" says magnum as he hugs her of course there my family as is you Thomas" says Kumu as she hugs him again. he then walks over to the couch were Higgins is now sitting with Emma.

Magnum, Emma we need to ask you both some questions so JJ you and Morgan question Emma and Rossi and I will question Magnum which means I need everyone to go outside except for me, JJ, Morgan, magnum,Emma and Rossi" said Hotch. everyone got up and goes outside. "ok JJ you stay here with Emma and Thomas please follow me and Rossi to the dinning room which is down the hall. "says Hotch. as he, Rossi and Thomas leave the room. "Daddy don't leave me" says Emma reaching out for him. "Its ok Emma he will be right back" says Morgan as they both watch him leave.

hope you enjoyed this chapter as always the next chapter will be up in the next few days.

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