chapter 10

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Emma ran to open the door as she heard the door bell ring it was agents Prentiss, Jareau, detective katsumoto and her uncles Rick and TC. "ok were here what's going on" asks Hotch. "ok everyone have a seat" says Emma. "ok what's going on Emma" asks TC. "ok so what I'm about to say doesn't leave this room.So 3 days ago I broke into the guest to search my dads car for clues and I found his Navy seal ring in between the drivers seat and the console and as I was leaving I knocked over a box and Zeus and Apollo started barking and I assumed that it was because I knocked over the box but I was wrong because today while we were searching the guest house I found a box that could only be opened using my dads navy ring and in the box contained a letter addressed to me and the date on the letter was from 3 days ago so we had Mrs. Garcia check the security footage and it showed my dad breaking into the guest house." says Emma. "Wait are you saying Thomas is alive" says Rick. "yes and in the letter he explains why he faked his death" says Emma. "why" asks Hotch. "he was working a case and found out that the mafia was planning a terrorist attack so they gave him a choice come work for him or they would him and my mom and I" says Emma.

"Emma did the letter say when or where or what they were using" asks JJ, "No" says Emma sadly. "Where did your husband keep his case files" asks Prentiss. "The guest house we got the lead from the letter, we didn't look at them yet" says Rossi. "Reid, Morgan and JJ get the files and bring them in here were going to all go though them and see if we can find anything" says Hotch. the agents nod and head to the guest house to collect the files. after a few minute's the agents return with what looks like over 100 case files but ironically enough that is less then half of the case files. one by one they all began to read the case files not really finding anything that sticks out. after about a few hours they all break for dinner. Emma sits at the table not really eating. she didn't feel very Hungary. "Mom can I be excused" asks Emma. "Emma are you ok, you've barely touched your food" says Higgins. "I'm fine just not Hungary" says Emma giving her mother a fake smile. "well ok says Higgins" as she watches Emma get up from the table and leave. "something bothering her, she was faked that smile" says Hotch. "I'll go talk to her" says JJ. JJ gets up from the table and back into the living room where she can see Emma sitting outside with Zeus and Apollo crying.

she opened the door and sat on the porch next to Emma. "What's going on" asks JJ concerned. "what if when we find him were to late" says Emma. "Emma you cant think like that, you have to have faith that will find him" says JJ. "Agent Jareau you don't know that" says Emma. "your right I don't but I have faith we will, helping people is what my team does best and please call me JJ" says JJ smiling and she pets Zeus. "You really think will find him alive" asks Emma. "I do now come on lets finish dinner and get back to these case files" said JJ confidently. "Ok" says Emma as she wipes away her tears and falls JJ back into the dinning room. They all chat and finish dinner and head back to the living room to finish going thought the case files but after another 2 hours they didn't find anything. "There has to be something we missed" says Emma. "There's not" says Hotch. "y'all are ready to give up that easily, come on lets go thought them again" says Emma. "Emma if there was something here we would of found it" replied Higgins. Emma says nothing as she grabs her keys and runs out the door. "Emma please lets talk about this" says Higgins. Emma gets in the Ferrari and drives off, ignoring her moms pleas. she didn't know where she was going but she need to get away and clear her head. she drove around the beach area and just kept going until she saw someone, it took her a moment to realize it was her father heading into the abandoned warehouse she had snuck into earlier.

She parked her car a few blocks away and walked over to the ware house hiding behind a bush. she watched as her dad looked around and walked in closing the door behind him. she waited a few moments and walked over to the door. she slowly and quietly opened the door and walked in. the lights were on in content parts of the warehouse. she looked around not seeing anyone. "who are you" says Magnum as he points his gun at her. Emma throws her hands up. "I said who are you" asks Magnum again this time more stern. "My name is Emma, Emma magnum I'm your daughter" says Emma holding back tears of happiness. "Magnum slowly puts his gun away as he starts to realize that Emma is telling the truth. "Emma what are you doing here, you shouldn't be here its not safe. Looking for you, I've been trying to find you" replies Emma. "You shouldn't be here" says Magnum. "I had to find you and find out what happened to you" replies Emma as she hugs him. "I love you daddy" says Emma. "I love you too always" replies Magnums. all the sudden he hears the door open. "Hide" says Magnum as he pushes her away. she runs and hides behind a shipping container and pulls her phone out to record. "Thomas how is everything going" asks the mob boss. "Yes everything is going according to plan and should be ready by Friday" replies magnum. "Excellent" replies the mob boss. Emma backs up a bit as she thinks she was spotted by backs into another shipping container which makes a loud sound. "Someone's here" says The mob boss as he sends his goons to look. "Emma gets open and makes a run for it but get hit by a bullet to the upper side of her arm. she falls back hitting her head on a shipping container and falling on to the ground. "Thomas take this girl somewhere and get rid of her" says The mob boss. "On it sir" replies magnum as he watches the mob boss and his goons leave. magnum quickly pulls off his shirt ripping it so that he can tie it around Emma wound. he picks her up as she starts to lose consciousness. "Emma stay with me ok" says Magnum as he cares her to the Ferrari. he sets her down in the back seat as she lose consciousness. he gets in the car and drives off to the one place he knows is safe and were he stashed all his emergency supplies the guest house of the Robbin master estate, the last place anyone would expect him to go.

hope you enjoyed this chapter, as always the next chapter will be up in the next few days.

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