chapter 12

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Emma sits on the couch quietly not saying anything trying to block the two agents out. "what we do, we cant force her to talk" says Morgan. "Emma we really need you to answer our questions so we can help you and your dad" says JJ. Emma doesn't replied. "how about you start with after you left" says Morgan. "I want my dad" says Emma. "I know Emma and you can see him after you answer our questions" says Morgan. " I don't remember everything its all in piece, I hit my head really hard after I was shot" says Emma. "We could do a cognitive interview, it might help her remember" says Morgan. " Ok Emma were going to do a cognitive interview, its as much about the things you sensed as the things you saw" says JJ. "ok" says Emma trying to be brave. "Will be right here the whole. your safe I promise" says Morgan. "Are you ready" asks JJ. Emma nods. "ok close your eyes go back to when you left you were upset with us and you ran out and you got in your car and left, what do you see" asks Morgan. "its dark and I don't know were I'm going , I just need to get away and clear my head and I ended up back at the warehouse and that's when I saw my dad walk in, so I parked my car a few blocks away and I followed him, I don't wanna do this" says Emma. "Emma take a deep breathe its ok were right here, your safe I promise" says JJ as she takes Emma's hands in hers. "ok so you followed your dad in the warehouse what happened next" asks Morgan. "I walked in and in certain spots the lights were off, I looked around and that's when my dad came out and he asked me who I was and then I said my name is Emma, Emma magnum and I'm your daughter" says Emma. "ok so what happened next" asked JJ. "I cant remember" says Emma. "ok what do you see" asks Morgan. "I see big shipping containers and some boxes" says Emma. "what do you feel" asks JJ. "its usually cold out for Hawaii" says Emma. "ok what is the next thing you remember" asks Morgan. "I was talking to my dad and then we heard the door open so he pushed me away and told me to hide, so I went and hide behind some shipping containers and I was recording them and I knocked over a box and they heard it, so I decide to run for it and...JJ I don't wanna do this anymore" says Emma crying. "Its ok Baby-girl your safe were right here" says Morgan. "Ok so you were running and then what happened" says JJ. "I was running and then I was shot. JJ, Morgan help me please I don't wanna die" says Emma. "Ok open your eyes" says JJ. Emma opens her eyes and collapses into JJ's arms in tears. "Shh its ok your safe I promise, Morgan and I are right here were not going to let anything happen to you, your safe I promise. " says JJ trying to comfort Emma. "You did a good job Emma what you told us was really helpful" says Morgan.

Meanwhile in the kitchen

Magnum, Hotch and Rossi all take a seat at the table. "Thomas lets start with the day this all started" says Hotch. "I was working a case that I thought would be simple just a wife that thought her husband was cheating on her, so as I do when I get theses types of cases I followed the husband around thinking I would catching him cheating with another woman but instead I saw him meet up with a few strange men and that's when I heard them talking about some attack they were planning and I got up to leave but they caught me and gave me a deal either I come work for them or they would kill my family and they said I had 3 days to decide and if I went to the police they would kill my family" says Magnum. "ok lets fast forward to that day, what happened" asks Rossi. "they left a burned phone in my car and they sent me the location of were to meet them and so before I left I held Emma for the last time and Juliet had insisted on going with me to the meet which she thought was to get a new client but I insisted that she stay with Emma and so I said Goodbye and said I would be back in a few hours and I meet them at the coffee shop and they took me to there Home and gave me a room and told me my job would be to protect there Mafia Doctor" says Magnum. "why" asks Hotch. "I Didn't know at the time but I found out 2 days ago that there planning on releasing a virus that could kill millions and turn into a pandemic and its happening on Friday" says Thomas. "That's in two days" says Hotch. "ok so is that what they had you do for all 17 years" asks Hotch. "Pretty much, sometimes they would have me get rid of the body's of the rivals or people they killed but my main Job was to protect the doctor and when I could I would sneak out to check my family" says Magnum. "Do you have names" asks Rossi. " I know a few, Alessandro Ace of Spades, Leonardo "Lightning" Stefania and the leader Jigsaw Pirtinaci and we just always called the doctor, doctor" says Magnum. "I know the name Pirtinaci there a huge crime syndicate that have been working out of Hawaii sense they early 1900s,They,ve been on the FBI'S most wanted for decades" says Rossi astonished.

"ok now lets fast forward to last night, tell me what happened" asks Hotch. "So I was told to meet the Mafia leader and his goons at the warehouse but I didn't know Emma had followed me and when I saw her at first I didn't recognize her but then after she said who she was, I know it was my baby and I told her I loved her and we talked for a minute and she begged me to come with her but I couldn't and that's when I heard the door open and I pushed her away and told her to hide and she did but after a few minutes she knocked over a box and she tried to run and Pirtinaci shot her and she fell and hit her head" says Magnum wiping away tears. "Ok what happened next" asks Hotch. "the boss asked me to take care of her and I told him I would. I waited for him and his goons to leave then I ripped off my shirt so I could use it to stop the bleeding. I then picked her up and took her to the Ferrari and brought her to the guest house were I had stashed emergency medical supplies and I came to the main house to get food, towels and other supplies that I needed and I made sure to erase the footage so I could still keep my cover ,I was able to get the bullet out and it didn't hit anything major so I was able to stitch her up and I just sat in a chair next to her all night waiting for her to wake up and she eventually did and you know the rest" says Magnum. "Wait go back you said you meet them at the coffee shop did they pick you up in another car to take you to your new "Home" asks Rossi. "yes why" asks Magnum Confused. "Because after you went missing your car was found on the side of the road" replied Hotch. "I don't know anything about that" says Magnum. "we believe you, now lets get everyone else and fill them in" says Rossi as the all get up from the table to bring everyone back inside and catch them up.

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