chapter 9

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       Emma, Rossi and Reid began there search by going thought all of the box's not really finding much just some of magnums old clothes and belonging but nothing of significance. Emma pulled another box down and searched it and at first she didn't find anything until she came across a box with a lock on it. the lock was your average lock it was the shape of a circle. She locked at the ring on her finger and pulled it off and put it in the lock and with 1 turn it opened, she locked though the box and saw a letter in an envelope addressed to her and just pictures of him holding her as a baby. she looked over at Rossi and Reid who were distracted by all the other box's. when she was sure they weren't looking she closed the box locked it and put it into her bag. she knew she should've told the agents but she didn't think there would be anything important in the letter and besides it was addressed to her. "find anything yet" asked Rossi. "no nothing yet" says Emma. "Rossi and Reid looked at each other knowing Emma was hiding something. "Emma are lying to us" asked Reid. "No" says Emma. "Emma do you know what a profiler is" asked Rossi. "I know you guys are profilers but I don't know what that means " says Emma. "basically profiling is just notice behavioral and by the sound of your voice and the fact that your playing with the ring on your finger I can tell your lying to us" says Reid looking at Emma. "fine I found this box that can only be opened with my dads navy seal ring  and inside there were pictures of him holding me as a baby and a letter addressed to me" says Emma.

     Emma unlocks the box with her ring and then hands the box over to the agents. "Emma thank you this is really helpful. I can tell you don't trust easy because you've been hurt so many times but I promise you can trust us" says Rossi. "I wanna no what the letter says" replies Emma. "ok I'll read it" says Reid.

Dear Emma,                                                                                                                       11/3/2043

I know you have so many questions about why I left and I cant tell you but just know I did what I had to do to protect you and your mother. all I can say is I was working a case and I find out something about the mafia that I should've and I had to trade my freedom and go work for them so that you and your mother would be safe, if I didn't they were going to kill you and your mom. if your reading this take it to the police the mafia is planning a terrorist attack here in Hawaii but I don't know where just know I love you and your mother some much. you were the best thing to every happened to me and I would do anything even trade my freedom and life for you if it meant keeping you safe and don't think for a minute I haven been watching over you because I have and I'm so proud of the beautiful young woman you have become please keep my PI business going and use my Ferrari and tell your mother I love her.

love your father

  Thomas Sullivan magnum

Reid rereads  the date again to make sure he read it right. "Rossi this letter is dated 3 days ago" says Reid. "which means he was here. Emma were did you find the ring" says Rossi. "3 nights ago in-between the drivers seat and the console in Ferrari which was parked in the garage but I just assumed HPD missed it in the search" says Emma confused. "what if it wasn't maybe he came back put the letter in the box and then put the ring in the car for you to find" says Reid. "ok but how would he know I would find it" says Emma still confused. "because he had faith that you would find it, he was watching you and he saw you solve all of those other cases and knew eventually you would search the Ferrari, he just did know you were going to come in here 3 nights ago "says Rossi impressed. "wait a minute when I was leaving I knocked a box over, what if Zeus and Apollo were barking because I knocked over the box" says Emma. "but because they saw your dad" says Reid finishing Emma's thought. "He was here I was probably 2 feet away from him, how did I not see him" says Emma. "he didn't want you to Emma, you went strait for the Ferrari right" asked Rossi. "yes" said Emma. "that's why you didn't see him because you weren't look for him the last place you would think he would be was here" replied Reid. "we need to check the security footage" says Rossi. "I can take you,I know where it is.

    Emma guided Rossi and Reid to the back door of the main house and brought them to the living room where Higgins and Kumu were helping Garcia and Morgan get a copy of the security footage. "we found something in the guest house" says Reid. "what did you find" asks Morgan curiously. " so three nights ago snuck into the guest house to search my dads Ferrari and I found my dads ring in between the console and the drivers seat and I just assumed that HPD missed it in there search which was what I told agents Prentiss and Jareau but in our search of the guest house today I came across a box containing a letter addressed to me and it was dated 3 days ago which means he was here, Garcia can you check the cameras by the guest house form between the hours of 10 and 11"asks Emma nervously. "sure just give me a not seeing anything...I got something I got a clear image of his face and I think its him but I need Emma or Higgins to conform" says Garcia. Higgins looks at the screen and instantly bursts into tears. "Its him, Its Thomas" says Higgins wiping away tears. "are you sure" asks Morgan double checking. "yes I would testify in court that's him, Its my husband, Its Thomas" says Juliet. "ok I'm going to call the team and detective Katsumoto and have them meet us here, Mrs. Higgins call Rick and TC and tell them to get here now but don't tell them anything, Just tell them you will explain when they get here" says Rossi. "ok I will" says Higgins walking away to call Rick and TC. Emma looked at the screen so happy she had finally proved her dad was alive but now she had to find him and bring him home.

      as always hope you enjoyed this chapter and as always the next chapter will be up in the next few days.

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