chapter 6

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              Hotch had sent Morgan and Reid to Ricks bar/nightclub to interview Rick and TC if TC was there, while he and Rossi interviewed katsumoto and Emily and JJ go to robins nest to interviewed Higgins. Morgan and Reid walk into the bar to see rick chatting with TC. "Rick wright, TC Calvin FBI I'm Derek Morgan and this is my partner Dr spencer Reid were with the behavioral analysis unit " said Morgan as him and Reid pulled out there badges. "Feds? what's this all about" asked Rick. "we need to ask you a few questions regarding the disappearance of Thomas magnum" said Reid putting his badge away. "why is the FBI even investigation Thomas's disappearance" asked TC confused. "we got an email from someone asking for our help" replied Reid. "did Emma ask you, I'm sorry but your wasting your time, this case has remained unsolved for 17 years, we loved Thomas he was our brother and we loved him and we promised him if anything happened to him we would look after Emma but its time for her to move on but go ahead ask your questions" replied Rick. "what can you tell us about Thomas magnum" asked Morgan. "well magnum was a navy seal, Rick and I were marine's. magnum was a lieutenant commander, Rick was a door gunner and weapons specialist and I was a helicopter pilot and we all severed together" said TC

     "we all eventually retired and Thomas started his pi business, TC started his helicopter business and I eventually opened my bar. Thomas magnum was an honorable man who wanted to help people and he was an amazing father, He loved Emma and Juliet he never would of left them" continued Rick. "The dad Emma was born was the best day of his life, He loved his family, he would of given his life to protect them, that's the kind of man he was" finished TC. "what can you tell us about the day he disappeared" asked Reid. "well I was here getting my bar ready to open when Higgins called me franticly asking if I knew where Thomas was and I told her I hadn't seen or heard from him all day and at first I wasn't to worried until Juliet told me he had gone to meet with some clients and then that's when I called TC and head to meet him so we could search the island using his helicopter" said Rick. "that's right rick called me asking if I had seen or heard from Thomas and I told him I hadn't and when he told me Thomas was missing I waited for rick, called detective Gordan Katsumoto and then we both got in my helicopter and searched the island and after about 30 minutes of searching we spotted his car and it was just sitting there on the side of the road abandoned with no Thomas in site so we called katsumoto and told him and Juliet where the car was, Juliet had been with Katsumoto searching for magnum and from that day on the case remained cold" Finished TC as he wiped away tears.

    "Do you think he is still alive" asked Morgan. "I would like to believe he is but the chances of him being alive is so slim and if he was I know it would be because he had to protect Emma and Juliet" said Rick. TC nods in agreement. "well that's all the questions we have for now here's my card if you can think of anything else don't hastate to call" said Reid as he handed Rick and TC his card.

      meanwhile at the robin masters estate Prentiss and Jareau had just arrived they started walking to the door when they saw to big dogs walking over to them growling at them. "um Emily" said JJ as she looked over at the dogs but before Emily could say anything a blonde haired woman and a older woman appeared. "Zeus, Apollo" yelled Higgins. the dogs looked over and walked over and sat on either side of her. "who are you and how did you get thought the gate" asked Higgins. "FBI I'm Jennifer Jareau and this is my partner Emily Prentiss were with the behavioral analysis unit and we would like to ask you a few questions about the disappearance of your husband Thomas magnum" replied Prentiss. "why is the FBI interested in a 17 year old cold case" asked Juliet. "we got an email asking for our help" said JJ. "It was my daughter Emma wasn't it, she just wont let it go, Kumu will you please feed the lads" said Higgins trying to hide her frustration. "of course Juliet" replied Kumu as she walked away the lads following behind her. "ok lets talk inside" said Higgins as she lead the two agents inside into a living room they all sat down. " could I get two anything" asked Higgins. "no thanks were good" replied Prentiss. "ok what do you wanna know about Thomas" asked Higgins. "start with how you met him" said JJ. "I remember that day like it was yesterday, I had just left MI6 to come work for robin masters as the property manger and robin told me that Thomas would be coming to live in the guest house and Thomas had showed up a day early and decide to jump the gate to get in, I always though he was so annoying especially when he would bug me to help him with a case but he eventually asked me to be his pi partner and after a few years we feel in love, got married and had Emma" said Higgins wiping away a few tears.

   "what can you tell us about the day your husband disappeared" asked Prentiss. "um..well Thomas had a meeting with some clients and I was supposed to go with and Emma was going to stay with Kumu but at the last minute he went by himself and I stayed with Emma." said Higgins. "why did you not go with him" asked JJ. "Thomas insisted that I stay with Emma he didn't like the idea of us both leaving her at just a few weeks old" replied Higgins. "ok when did you realized something was wrong" asked Prentiss. "well it started getting late and he was supposed to have been home hours ago so then I called Rick who called TC and Katsumoto and then Katsumoto came and picked me up so we could go look for him and I left Emma with Kumu" replied Higgins with tears streaming down her face. "ok then what happened" asked JJ. "we got a call from Rick and TC saying they had found Thomas car and so they gave us the location and we found his car but not him and then Katsumoto called in back up and we searched for days but he was never found" said Higgins. "Do you think he is still alive" asked Prentiss. "I would love that to be true but after 17 years the chances of him being alive is so slim, I loved him and still do, I miss him everyday." replied Higgins. "Mom I'm home" shouted Emma as she walked into the living room. "oh hi agent Prentiss ,hi agent Jareau" said Emma smiling. "Hi Emma" replied the agents.

     "Emma you can have your pi stuff back, its in my closet" said Higgins as she wiped away her tears. "really why" asked Emma confused. "I realized I was hard on you, your heart was in the right place" replied Higgins. "wow thanks mom so I'm ungrounded?" replied Emma. "yes, your 17 you do what you want, obviously you think your an adult, so you can take care of yourself then ,Just know if you get arrested again I'm not bailing you out" replied Higgins. "Fair enough not like I don't have a job" replied Emma as she ran off to get her PI bag back. "well I think that's all the questions we have for you, here is my card please call if you think of anything else" said Prentiss. Higgins takes the card and then shows the agents out. "mom I'll be outside if you need me" yelled Emma. "ok sweetie" replied Higgins as she walked into her room closing the door behind her. she laid on her bed and just broke, magnum was the love of her life his death hurt more then her first fiancé Richards murder. everyday she thought about him and all though she loved Emma with all her heart,sometimes Emma was just a painfully reminder of magnum because she was some much like him but she was also her reason for living but deep down she still held out hope that magnum was still alive.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter, as always the next chapter will be up in the next few days.

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