Chapter 10

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After school, I hurriedly walk to the football field where I decided to meet Bryan. There he is standing in his tanktop workout shirt and shorts.

"Hey! Ready for me to teach you a hand-off?" I asked maybe a little too obnoxiously.

"Yeah. So I start off running and then I just stick my arm behind me right? Or do I stick my hand out in a certain way? Or-" Bryan rambled.

"Whoa whoa whoa slow down! We have to warm up first or we'll pull something." I interrupted.

"Oh right. Do you like Drake?" he asked

"What? Like Drake the rapper?"

"Yeah him."

"This is way off subject but oh my god yes I love all of his songs like I can rap every single word of every single one of his songs. Oh my gosh don't even get me started." I quickly said in one breath.

"Niceeee" Bryan chuckled.

"Sorry" I mumbled and looked down clearly embarrassed.

"Hey you don't need to be embarrassed" he said softly lifting my chin back up with his finger.

"I was just asking because that's what I always listen to while I work out." he said.

"Oh well if you can't already tell... I don't mind listening to Drake while we work out." I smiled.

"Good. Shall we jog two laps around the track?" he asked with a playful voice

"We shall" I commented right back.

We started jogging around the track at a decent enough speed to make us break a sweat. Our strides were equal making us run swiftly in sync.

"I'm surprised you can keep up with me. Usually girls' paces and strides are slower and shorter than guys'." he stated.

"Well I'm not the average girl." I smirked.

"Oh I know." Bryan responded

"Hey!" I said thinking because of his tone he made it sound like it was a bad thing.

"Not in a bad way. Not in a bad way at all." he said not looking at me but like it was a thought. I don't know I guess with a far away sounding voice,

"Thanks I guess" I said awkwardly.

"I'm so I'm so I'm so I'm so I'm so proud of you.I'm so I'm so I'm so I'm so I'm so proud of you.I'm so I'm so I'm so I'm so I'm so proud of you. Everything's adding up you been through hell and back that's why you bad as f***and you know you are!"

"Dang Alexis you do not seem like the type to cuss like that!" Bryan said with a surprised look

"Oh sorry. I get turnt when I'm listening to Drake. I told you I know every word and when I start, I can't stop myself." I said

"No problem I don't mind."

"You warmed up?" I asked after we got finished jogging our two laps.

"Yeah I think so" he said breathing heavily.

"Let's stretch then" I suggested


As he reached down to touch his toes his muscles flexed and his glistening sweat (yes sweat can glisten) enhanced the detail of his muscle.

"See something you like?" Bryan asked with a smirk.

I realize that I had been staring at his muscles and apparently for quite a while because he seemed to be done stretching and I obviously have been in the touch your toes position for a long time.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2015 ⏰

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