Chapter 5

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OMG sorry I haven't updated in 4 ever! I've had school and finals and everything blah blah blah I won't bore u. So here's the next chapter!

Bryan's P.O.V

I can't fall asleep. All I have is Alexis in my head. I haven't felt this way before. When I saw her hurt something snapped inside me and I instinctively saved her with no hesitancy at all. Also with her innocency as she slept and her attitude that doesn't faze me at all? She is just the definition of a perfect girl. Gosh I'm acting like a girl with a crush. Get over yourself Bryan!

Alexis P.O.V.

I wake up drenched in sweat from the dream. I turn to look at my alarm clock and it says 3:15am. I only have 2 hours left! Ugh the dream seemed so real. It happened so long ago that I thought the nightmares would've stopped by now. I decided not to go back to sleep since I feared the dream would just repeat again.

*2 hours later*

The worst part of the mornings before school is not waking up or leaving on time but trying to find an outfit to wear. I swear I just pulled apart my whole room searching for something to wear. Eventually I settled for some capris and our team basketball shirt. After applying some mascara I headed downstairs just to find my dad home arguing with my mom.

Dad: Why don't you trust me?

Mom: How am I supposed to trust you when you leave for business trips months at a time and show up without notice at all? Half the time I don't even know where you are.

Dad: So that automatically means I'm having an affair?

Mom: It's a strong possibility

"Okayyy I've gotta go to school bye love ya." I said quickly as I rushed out the door. So not staying to hear the rest of that.

Once I arrived at school I headed straight to Mrs. Johnson's room. She's my language arts teacher and I had some work I needed to turn in. As soon as I walk in the door my heart goes into overdrive. There Bryan is sitting at the table closest to the teacher's desk. "Ignore him, ignore him, ignore him." I said to myself. "Here's the papers I need to turn in." I said as I gave the papers to mrs. Johnson. Right as I was walking away from the door I hear the words "Hey Alexis! You are Alexis right...?" A guy who sat at Bryan's table asked me. "Yes, yes I am. Now can I ask who wants to know and why?" I responded. "Well you see Bryan here has been talking about you all advisory and I wanted to meet her for myself. Oh and the names Michael" Michael said. "Today at lunch why don't you come sit with us. Maybe that will get Bryan to shut up about you. Also, bring your hot friend of yours. Kimberly." "I'll think about it" I said with a smirk. As I turned to leave I see an irritated looking Bryan scolding Michael. I smiled. He was talking about me?

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