Chapter 4

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Alexis P.O.V.

"Alexis? Alexis? Are you okay?"

I wake up to the sound of a beautiful voice talking to me.

"Are you an angel?" I say lazily, my eyes not yet open. I hear laughter.

"Ha, ha, no I'm not an angel."

Slowly I open my eyes and to my surprise I see Bryan. I am sitting on a couch, a very soft one if I may add.

"Where am I? Oh my god what happened? Why are you here? Did you kidnap me? I don't want to die!"

"Whoa whoa whoa! I didn't kidnap you geez cut me some slack, I would never do that to you..." He trailed off.

"Well then where am I, and um where did you get this incredibly comfortable couch?"

"Um well you are kinda at my house and the couch I don't even know" he said uneasily.

"Why the fudge am I at your house?" I exclaimed.

"You don't remember? Some girls were beating you up really bad so I stepped in and carried you away."

"Oh. you know...I'm sorry..." I started mumbling to myself probably not louder than a whisper.

"A thank you would be nice" Bryan smirked.

"Oh yeah right thank you." I said obviously flustered.

"So what's up with you and Olivia? I mean what happened between you two?" He asked.

"There was no us in the first place. I didn't even really pay attention to her and then next thing you know she's talking smack. I just think she's a hater." I smiled to myself. Haters gonna hate.

"Oh my god what time is it?"

"Ehh school should be letting out soon."

"How long was I unconscious?"

"Oh for quite a while."

"And you were just gonna let me stay like that until I was like dead or something?"

"I don't know... You just looked so peaceful when you slept." he said with true sincerity in his voice.

My heart skipped a beat. Wait a minute... my crush carried me out of school and basically took care of me while I was out cold? How freaking cool is that?

"What's cool?" Bryan asked confused.

"Oh nothing."

"You do that a lot you know. Zone out, have that far away look in your eyes and then you end up mumbling something that I don't think you mean to say." he chuckled.

"Oh I'm sorry it's just I've been doing that a lot lately. I didn't do that before though."

"Don't worry about it, it's cool."

"Well I've got to get home before my parents find out I skipped school with a boy. They'd kill me!"

"Right let's go."

When my hand starts to touch the doorknob of the front door I hear, "Are you sure you are okay though?" I whirl around to come face to face with a worried looking Bryan.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about it."

We walk out the door, down the sidewalk.

"Mi-lady" he says like a gentleman as he opens the car door for me.

"I'm not a crippled old woman you know. I am fully capable of opening a car door."

"Geez I was just being nice" he said with a hint of amusement in his voice.

We arrive at my house.

"Bye thanks again for everything." I smiled.

He smiled back with that heart-melting grin. "Anytime Alexis, anytime."

I walked through the front door into my house.

"Who is that boy Alexis?"

That's just great my mom is home. You see, me and my mom don't have the best relationship in the world. She blames me for her problems and the one that hit me the hardest kind of ruined it for us. I just don't understand why it's that big of a deal, It happened so long ago. I'm trying to let it go and forget about it, but she keeps on bringing it up.

"He's no one." I replied

"I got a call from the school Alexis. You missed 3-8th period?"


"Did you sneak out with that boy? I can't believe you would actually go and skip with a boy. Have you forgotten what happened before?"

"Mom stop! I'm done with this. He's just a friend and that's all you need to know. Move on! It was in the past! Think about the future! While you are doing so call me but until then just leave me the heck alone."

I stormed off to my room. I'm not even in the mood for dinner. We don't eat together as a family anyways. My sister is in college, my mom does what she wants when she wants and my dad is on businesses trips 85% of the time. I might as well hit the sack early. As soon as I drift off it happens again. It's just like before. So realistic, I feel as if I'm reliving it. My mind puts together these pictures into the form of a nightmare I'm trying to forget. It's like a scary movie but you are in it and you can't control it. As if to say the movie is starting, my nightmare begins.

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