Chapter 3: Summer Break

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Bakugo shouted at Izuku.
"Well I only found out last week a-and only got the courage to talk to him last night a-and h-he was also fun and so Extroverted! He also stays with dad!"
While fumbling with words Izuku manages to explain the situation decently. His classmates were beyond shock as Izuku proved everything's true  by showing a picture of his brother. "He looks just like Izuku! But older!" Mina said as she snatched his phone. "And a brunette!" exclaimed Hagekure as she snatched the phone from Mina.  "AND BLUE EYES!!" Jirou shouted as she points on the picture. "and!  And! -" before Mina could finish Izuku took his phone back by using his quirk Telekinesis. "We should probably head to class" he said as he smiled sheepishly at them.. While Mina pouted then came whisper shouting "HEY MIDORIYA WOULD PROBABLY LOOK THAT HOT AS HE WOULD GROW!" then girls giggled, Uraraka blushed intensely, the boys, especially Denki's group, were crying on the inside and Midoriya felt like dying out of embarrassment.

Weeks passed by Izuku kept in touch with his brother though not every night cause of Zuko's royal duties, he then relearned some words of English and read the rule book of etiquette and respect on their household, Where he learned how the titles work how the line for the throne works and how others and themselves write their names. Also some dress codes. The book was packaged hy her mother to their dorms.

It's finally the end of Izuku's class being 1A. Summer break started and when they come back to school they'll be class 2A.
Its an eight weeks break or two months. Its also time for Izuku to pack because their flying over to america. Some decided to stay at the dorms during summer break like Todoroki, And Bakugo decided to stay half the break at the dorms too. Mainly to continue training.

Izuku was now at the common area with his classmates, in a group of their own, Uraraka and Iida were talking while waiting for Izuku to get off the phone.

"Yes mom. I'm almost done packing I swear!...hmm.. Yup.. Uh huh..  Wait..  Huh..  Can you repeat that please?..  WHAAT!?!!.." he suddenly screamed and took the attention to him with him not noticing. "I thought we're taking the plane what do you mean no?? " He asked in a sad manner, showing how excited he was taking the plane. Then he kept talking to the phone again... With a bunch of 'hmms' 'yes's' and 'uh huh's'

Then a knock on the door was heard, Sero offered to open it. Two figures in business suits were seen when the door opened, one of them bowed and said,
"We're here for Izuku Louis M. Allencount III. We were assigned to pick him up from this address. Give this letter incase he doesn't want to come here. We'll be waiting."
Hanta Sero was confused but he took the note and assume it's for his classmate Midoriya since his name was to be seen and heard.
"Uhh Midoriya! Some dudes here for you!" Sero called, but the greenette was still talking on the phone so he walked there and handed him the odd enough fancy letter.
"thanks Sero!" mouthed the greenette.
"Mom, A letter came I better read it. See you later." He then ended the call and looked at the letter. As he sees the name who it's addressed to, It's obviously from the Royal Family. 'Good thing it's written in english.' He thought.  "uhmm guys, I'm just gonna excuse myself." he run to his room once he got nods and okays from his friends.

His Royal Highness Izuku Louis M. Allencount III.  Second Duke of American Kingdom.

Your grace, My Alias is 'Gus' I am the Castle Steward. I make sure everything is in order and serve directly the under His Majesty King himself. I hope you are told that you will not be taking the plane, Your father sent two jets for your safety and fast travels. I hope you understamd why royal members can't be together in one aircraft, let alone vehicle. Men were sent there especially picked out on how Her Majesty Queen Inko Eliza M. Allencount described you to be. From now on they're your bodyguards, I'm sure you'll get along. They will help you with your belongings, and guard you on the way here at the South.

One last thing, proper clothing is required your grace. I apologize for the inconvenience but a rule is a rule, reporters or photographers are things we can't avoid and control here. So Freiser bought some clothes.


Izuku finished reading the letter and immediately run to the guards outside and let them in, "Uhmm guys! Please excuse the intrusion" he shouted to their classmates. As he leads them to his dorm and far away from the commons area where everybody was they started introductions.
"Your grace, my alias is Freiser"
"And my Alias is Moon" "please understand that our names must be kept hidden for our safety" both bowed on short seconds then continued to follow the greenette as he unlocked his room.

Izuku was shy and everything but he was practicing on getting used to it since he doesn't wanna overwhelm himself once he got there.

They entered the room then the guards finished closing up suitcases. Most of  his clothes were here at the dorms so he packed here. Then Freiser handed him the outfit Gus must've been talking about. "Your Grace, We will be waiting on the front gates. Gus also requested if we could convince you to use hair gel to tame you hair a bit. He believed you already saw your brother's hair." Izuku nodded with a smile and they bowed and left the room with the luggage Izuku packed and went on to put it in the car as the prince started changing his clothes.
Once finished he grabbed his phone and walks to the commons area to say goodbyes.

Once Izuku got there people were staring at him in shock and awe. Most are wide eyed, Kirishima was talking about how manly Izuku looked, some questioned why he's dressed like that,  Bakugo looked shocked but decided to ignore his friend's clothing, While Mina was shouting how he looked like his older brother along with Jirou, Uraraka was blushing super red and started floating in the air. Midoriya looked at Uraraka and thought 'cute' then chuckled to himself..  Of course this didn't go unnoticed by self proclaim romance master Mina Ashido.

apparently floating blood caught the greenttes attention. Let's just assume that Hagekure had a nosebleed and she's allowed to do that despite her quirk.

Who wouldn't make a big deal.  A White button down shirt, plain black formal but comfortable pants. A maroon tie that matches his maroon trench coat that was hanging from his shoulder to his knees. And Gus kinda spoiled Izuku by buying him a pair of rubber shoes which are colored black with some red, The shoes were close to his Iconic red ones and a note came with it. "Your Grace, your father approved of your footwear. Worried he might force you onto stuff you don't like and leave unwanted pain and red marks on your foot."

Izuku's side and under hair was gelled making him look like his brother with the undercut but with attractive long side bangs. 

"Bye Guys!! Bye Iida! Bye Uraraka!! Bye Kacchan!" then he ran to the door not wanting the guards to wait on him. Running to the door he turned back again and yelled "See you guys in two months!" and went on, but Katsuki's voice was loud enough for Izuku to hear a "ENJOY AMERICA NERD!"

They arrived at the airport and were easily brought to where the private jets are parked. Freiser and Moon lead him to his jet and made sure he is comfortable.
It was a weird and unknown feeling for the little greenette because he wasn't used to getting everything done for him.

The plane is getting ready to take off, when looking out the window he saw his mom entering the other jet.
He was so surprised! His mom's clothing are different than the usual.

He finally calmed himself down once the jet plane was in the air. He decided to open his phone and text Zuko that his on the way wearing an excited smile on his face.

Now he just have to wait 9 hours.
Due to the aircraft used, the flight should be faster.

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