Chapter 9: Deku and Kacchan Origin

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(Uraraka POV)


Oh no I panicked!! grrrrrr.. It turns  out I don't have the courage to say 'I like you' right away. Sorry Mina, but I lost confidence in the last second. 

I looked up at him hoping he won't accept cause I'm too nervous to be alone with him, but much to my wishes.. "Sure! I'll hangout with you!" He smiled at me. Somehow, a different feeling came over me. I thought I would be disappointed if he said no and even more worst if he said yes, but there's an unexplainable feeling I am experiencing right now that didn't fit what I expect. And there's too much of it as he was pulling me into the dorms. I can feel my face get hot!!! I was lost in thought but I found my way back to reality when he asked. "Uraraka, you're red! Are you alright? I told you might get a cold..." He felt my forehead and all I could do was stammer out nonsense.. "I uh, wahh-ehh uh.." then thud, I remember myself falling and seeing black but the impact of the floor I was waiting for didn't came, Instead I fell asleep with someone catching me.

(Izuku POV)

I think Uraraka is sick!! She fainted.. Luckily I caught her before her head hits the ground.  I carried her. I went to the commons area, hoping to see Mina there, I'm positive she knows where the rooms are due to sleepovers. I forgot where Uraraka's room is. "Uhmm Ashido-San!! Do you know where Uraraka's room is, I couldn't remember where.." I told her. "MIDORIYA!!!" All of them screamed. 

"Be quiet, you might wake her up. Is there something wrong?" I asked them tilting my head. I don't know what's wrong with them but Ashido-San kept on holding back her giggles and squealing, I could tell. Kaminari-Kun and Mineta looked defeated. Bakugo smirked, Kirishima screamed so "So MANLY!".

I don't know wat they're at but I know Uraraka's sick. (No she's not) 

"Fourth floor, her name should be on one of the doors." I thanked Mina and went to find Uraraka's room.. 

when I found it, I turned the knob, luckily it was unlocked. I lay her on her bed. I was looking around the room and can't help but notice  papers, some were crumpled and some are folded with erasures and clearly looks like she wanted to throw it away. So I took them and bring it with me planning on throwing them in the trash. But my curiosity took the best of me and wanted to look at the paper. I know it's not the right thing but, I still read it. 

all papers have same content but different letters have different writings. It was about... me, the notes are for me.. "Midoriya-kun, I'm not the best with words when it comes to something like this but. ----------- " the rest were scratched. "Midoriya I like you!" It's scratched but its readable. I decided to keep them all. I thought they were cute.. I kept them in my pockets for now. 

I don't know why I don't feel panic but at ease. Maybe because I know she likes me back?.. Ughh It's unfair for her!! as a man, I should make the first move. I'll ask dad about it tomorrow after school. 

(Time Skip- The next day)

Uraraka thanked me earlier, now I was just waiting for class to end. I can't wait to rush to my room and tell dad about it. Just as I was thinking about it, The bell rang and everybody's free of school. I immediately rushed to the dorms and locked myself up not bothering to talk to anyone. Pulled out my laptop went to that special social application for royals and video called my dad.

"Hey dad! Hey mom!" I said as he answered the call with mom. "Hi Izuku!!" "Hello son." they both greeted in different manners but with a smile. "uhh Dad. I know I said I don't want to use my status right now but uhh, I was hoping... this weekend you could plan a... a date....pleasedontbemad!" I said shying in front of the camera. "aww! Izuku's grown up!" I heard mom said. "HAHA! PREPARE A CORONATION FOR A NEW DUCHESS!" Dad said in a proud and excited tone. "Daaaaaaaaaad!!!" I hid my red face. "You told us enough information about her while you were here. i'm sure she's a great girl!" he said to me. I smiled softly, "she is..".

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