chapter 1 Hello?

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I wake up to hear birds tweeting.I yawn and stretch cracking my back.I rub my eyes and blink them to get used to the white color I see each day.I lay back down on my bed like I do each thinking what I will do if I could see.*crash*I turn my head to the sound .

What was that?! I pull myself up and spread out my hands."vibration jutsu" I whisper. I send out waves invisible to the naked eye.It was  using sonar like a bat.My mind starts to shape figures.There two adult figures chasing a small boy figure.My blind eyes widen.Wait I know that heart beat its Naruto!

Its seems he did another prank.Sigh what will I do with him.I'll scold him when visits me next time in the hospital.I think I will see what my brother is doing today since I have nothing to do.I send out more vibrations. I make out more heart beats and figures in a room with my brother.

It seems to be classroom with children and a sensei.The sensei was scolding Naruto while he was ignoring him.After that them seem to take a test.It was a transformation one.Brother turned into a naked lady.I giggled at that, he was so silly.The sensei gets a massive nose bleed.Pervert.

The sensei tells them that the graduation exam is tomorrow.My brother starts to freak out since it was on clones.I wish I could help my brother.His dream was to become hokage so every one would finally respect him and recognize him.

I do hope he does its his destiny.I will there to help him all the way till the day I die.The class ends.Naruto leaves with the sensei to hokages faces.It seems he gratified on them.I wish I could could see.All the details and colors but all I see is the color white.

I undo the jutsu and rub my eyes.It only let me see outlines of figures and heart beats.I lay down on my pillow with it in my face.I wonder when brother is coming.He is late probably because he had to clean up the monuments.

I hear the door open and close.I hear closely to the heat beat .It was brother!He finally came !I jump out of my bed and run towards where I hear his heart beat.

I jump on to  him hugging him with all my might. "gack! Hisana I'm chocking!" Naruto shouts.I just giggle and get off of him.His face was red from lack of oxygen.Heh maybe I over I did it with the hugging .Oh well he still is alive.He leads me back to my bed laying me down.He sits at the end of it.He starts to explain his day and how it went even though I already knew.

"Grr today I had to deal with that stupid Uchiha again"Naruto said growling."But whats so bad about him brother?" "He is emo,a dush,and thinks he is way better than everyone else!'He shouts.He didn't stop there he kept on going.I tried to say something but his voice drowned mine.I sweat drop wow this guy must have done something really bad to make my brother hate him with this much passion.

The visiting hours end and my brother leaves.I wave him good bye wishing he stay longer.I sigh and lay down back on my bed.I wish I could do something else than sit in this bed all day.My mind starts to drift into random things.My eyes start to get droopy thats when darkness greets me.

*Next morning*

I am so excited today!I get to visit the village!I only get to get out of the hospital once a month.That once a month is today.I get ready in my outdoor clothes which are normal even though I can't see them.The fabric is soft and warm against my pale white skin.I glide my hand through my jet black hair.Even with different hair colors we look similar.(outfit and her ---->

I wonder what I will do today?!Maybe I could ask the nurse she could take me to the academy  visit my brother.Today was his graduation exam.I want to be there  him also I want to meet this sensei of his.I am gonna give him a piece of my mind for punishing Naruto.

The nurse comes into my room.Her name was Kai Taka.She was caretaker and nurse since I was a child.   "Its time go Hisana "   she whispers softly and sweetly.She takes my hand and leads me to the wheel chair she carries me in.Since of my condition my body is weak.I can't walk long distance without aid.

I get settled in the wheel chair and say "  lets go!'  She chuckles at my childness.She roles me out of my room and out of the hospital.When we exit the hospital cool air greets me into a hug.I hear laughter of children,chatters of adults and the sounds of nature.It was so much to take in.I love it.

We go about the village.We visit shops and buy gifts.I ask Kai if we could go buy sweets.I feel her head vibrate up and down meaning yes.We go into the sweets shop.I buy almost every sweet they had there.What can I say I love sweet like how brother loves his ramen. "Kai can we go visit my brother?please!"  I say

Her body stiffens and her heart starts beats faster.Why is she acting like this?Kai finally settles down and sighs," I guess we can" She complies."YAY"I shout.I jump up and dance.Kai laughs at my reaction.I go and sit down on my wheel chair again. We start going to the academy to go visit my dear brother.


QUESTION TIME: Who is this character originally from and what was her purpose in the anime??




How was it?! I really do hope you guys like this story!





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