Chapter 10 - Brant

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Brant and Gethen were sitting together on the caramel colored cushions in a neatly furbished room, in Gywnaura.

So far, they had kept to themselves and sat there thinking about their own thoughts, but finally Brant made some small talk.

"So, do you think the boy succeeded?"

Gethen hesitated, "Well, that depends on how seriously he takes our organization, doesn't it?"

Brant thought for a couple of seconds before he smirked and nodded.

Then...the conversation ended.

And both members of the Neverseen went on with their peaceful sitting-and-not-talking-or-doing-anything-else.

So, that left Brant to his own memories. Mainly his memories of Jolie. No one knew this, but Brant had a soft spot. That soft spot was for Jolie. He felt that she was the only one who had loved him for who he truly was. She was able to enjoy the happy moments with him, empathize with him, and...she even died for him. Well, really because of him and his stupid anger.

But Brant remembered Jolie's last words to him. At the time, his anger was practically controlling him, and he didn't make sense of the words until after she had died.

His memory of Jolie dying bubbled up from the back of his mind, and his face scrunched up as he pushed it away again. Thankfully, Gethen wasn't looking.

What was I thinking about again? Oh, right. Jolie's last words.

Whenever he thought about them, he felt a mix of guilt, anger, and sorrow. Mainly sorrow.

"Please, Brant. Don't do this. Don't do it for me. Please."

The memory kept repeating over and over again. The worst part was Jolie's voice didn't sound angry that she'd died because of him or sad because she was leaving this world. She sounded like she was begging for Brant to listen to her and follow her instructions. But Brant couldn't listen to her. Jolie was obviously talking about leaving the Neverseen, and how Brant should do it for her. Or...was she?

And this was where Brant's thoughts ALWAYS circled back too. Was Jolie implying something else? A family secret maybe? Well, he couldn't just walk up to Grady and Edaline and ask them! They thought that Brant was a drooly, guilt-filled elf who felt bad for Jolie.

He was the opposite.

He wanted to get revenge on Grady and Edaline. For not appreciating his relationship with Jolie. For not allowing it because he was "Talentless."

He scoffed on the inside. They clearly didn't know how hard having a forbidden ability was. Though Grady's ability came close to it.

If only he could figure out what Jolie was sayin—

His thoughts about Jolie abruptly ended when someone jolted him into consciousness again.

Gethen stopped shaking him and pointed to the door.

Then he heard it.

Someone knocking on the door. It wasn't Gisela. Or Glimmer and Ruy.

Gethen stalked closer to the door, and Brant had flames ready if it was an unwanted visitor.

But how could someone have gotten here anyway?

Gethen pulled the door open.

It was Fintan.

"Where is Gisela? I'd like to talk to her."

A/N: SEEEEEEEEE, I persevered and I made this chapter loooooonger! Also, hope you like my take on Brant's POV, it was pretty hard, but I wanted to add some Jolie in it, soooooo yeah! C u in the next chapter!

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