One: Reunions & Wrecking Balls

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Hello! Welcome and thanks for reading Two in a Million! :) I'm glad you all decided to give my book baby a chance!

Just a few disclaimers:

Since this is a fanfiction, I just wanted to reiterate that the characters, songs, and anything else you may recognize in here is not my own— credit goes to Kevin, Heath, and all the fabulous writers and actors from the show. Since this fanfic starts and ends with content from the Season 4 finale, I will be putting time stamps whenever I do that. Like I said, I do not own the characters or the songs, and this is my own interpretation of what might have happened in those ten years we didn't get to see on the show. I'm proud of what I've created here, and I'm super excited for you all to read it.

Without further ado, here it is! I have poured my heart and soul into the creation of this and I'm hoping that you guys enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it. Thanks so much, and enjoy :)

(From Duets & Destiny, 0:25)

early summer 2019

"I didn't know it at the time, but the day I walked into the music store was the greatest day of my life...because it's the day I met you." Ally looked down at her fingers, which were intertwined in in her lap, fiddling with them nervously as she listened to Austin. She wasn't sure where this was going, but she knew that with Austin, it usually meant he was about to make a big romantic gesture. She glanced up at him again expectantly. A smile creeped onto her face.

"There's so much about the future I don't know," Austin was saying, "but the one thing I'm sure of is...there's no way I could make it without you." Ally's smile faded. Her eyes darted to the left, then the right. Is he doing what I think he's doing?

"So..." Ally's breath caught as Austin got down on one knee. "Ally Willow Dawson..." Her eyes turned into saucers. Austin grabbed her hand and held up the ring. "Will you make me the happiest man alive and... marry me?"

Is he serious?

"Austin..." She pulled her hand away slowly, and Austin's smile faded. "I can't..." Ally paused. "Believe you're really asking me to marry you! YES! Yes, I will!" she screeched, jumping up as Austin spun her around in his arms.

Trish paused the video. "Wait, that never happened," she said. Dez' face fell.

"First of all, Ally's middle name isn't Willow. And more importantly, Austin never asked Ally to marry him." Dez threw his hands up, exasperated.

"I know," he admitted, "but what happened in real life is too sad. So, when I was putting together my Rockumentary: The Austin and Ally Story, I used a little editing magic to make it look like Austin was proposing. Here's the original footage." Dez pressed play again, and they watched as Austin picked up a bug from the ground and encouraged Ally to touch it, while she shrieked in disgust.

"No audience wants to see what really happened."

"You mean, that Austin and Ally actually broke up, and haven't talked to each other in years?" Trish asked, although they both had known what happened. Her tone was riddled with annoyance. Why couldn't those two just get their act together?

"Uh, yeah!" Dez replied, "I can't end my movie like that."

"It's all so sad!" said Trish. "You know, Ally's coming home this weekend, and I tried to talk her into going to Austin's show with us? She said she doesn't even want to see him."

"Austin said he doesn't want to see her, either," Dez mused as Trish got up from her chair. "It's so weird that, after all that they've been through, they can't even be friends."

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