Bye Again

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A/N I don't even know where I came up with this story but enjoy. This picture is supposed to be Cassidy btw... ENJOY!

"Bye Angie!" I waved goodbye to my best friend for the 50th time. She has been flopping back and forth between different Foster families and she had just gotten adopted permanently. I held back the tears as she left the orphanage we'd been in together since both of our parents gave us up when we were babies.

"Bye Cassie" you could tell she was excited but heartbroken at the same time. She put her bright pink and dark brown suitcase in the trunk and got in the back seat. She waved and wiped her face as she drove away.

It felt unreal. I was used to seeing her drive away but I always expected her to come back. This time she was gone. For good.

"Come, come girls." Miss Jessie was our foster mom at the orphanage. She gathered up all the 10 and younger kids as I stood there with my other friend Hayley who was 16. We watched Angie drive away. Forever.

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