Chapter 3 - Hospital

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I heard the key in the lock and the door creak open seconds later. I couldn't control myself, I ran to my dad and just hugged him, he picked me up, spun me around and called me his little girl.  

When he finally set me back on my feet I swalled, preparing myself. "Dad..?" I mumbled, looking up at him. He nodded. "What really happened?" He looked away and stared at the floor, refusing to answer. I brushed a tear from my eye and turned back to the kitchen. What was so awful that I couldn't know, I must have a right to, surely? I was going to find out one way or another.

Suddenly I heard a crash, shaking the floor. "Dad?" I screamed and ran back to where I had left him. He was collapsed in a heap on the floor. "Dad, dad? Please wake up dad, please." I yelled, turning him onto his back. He wasn't breathing. I put him into the recovery position and grabbed my mobile. Whilst it rang I threw open the door and knocked on all the flats on our floor. "Help me, please! My dads collapsed and he's not breathing please help!" The woman from across the hall came running over into our flat. I stood by her side and called for the ambulance. "Do you have any idea how it happened?" she asked, staring up at me while she put her hands together where his heart was, repeatedly pushing in. "I have no idea," I cried, distraught at the image of my own father passed out in the doorway to our flat. She nodded and continued, pausing after thirty to do two breaths into his mouth. I ran down the stairs to find two paramedics stood outside, shaking, I let them in and led them back up to where the woman was still attempting to pump blood around his body. "Thankyou, we will take it from here." She stood back next to me and watched while the two men put my dad on a stretcher and carried him down the stairs. "Thankyou so much." I hugged the woman tightly. "Of course, you're Summer right? I'm Alice, let me know as soon as you get back." She replied. I thanked her once again and fled down the stairs, and into the back of the ambulance with my dad.

The hospital was extremely quiet, only several people passing with small cups of soup or tea from the machine down the hall. I knew my mascara was smudged and my eyes puffy, but I didn't care. It had been three hours and I was still sat outside the room on the ward which my dad was being attended to. I watched the clock tick by, seconds then minutes. I must have drifted off as the sudden slam of a door jolted me from my sleep. "Your father is conscious but were still not sure on his condition, and what the future may hold. You may see him now." The doctor nodded at the door, and walked away, his loud shoes clicking against the spotless floor. I pushed the door open and stared at my father, wired coming off him in all directions leading to what looked like a life support machine. What? Why would he need that? I began to panic. Tears now streaming down my cheeks once more, I kneeled by his side and took his hand. "Dad? Listen to me Dad! Everything will be fine." I squeezed his hand but got no response in return. He didn't seem conscious to me. Finding it harder to breathe I looked at the blankness in his eyes. A loud, endless beep came from the machine by my side.

"HELP, SOMEBODY PLEASE!" I screamed, using all the oxygen in my lungs. A nurse swung the door open and ran next to me. Her eyes flickered between my father and the machine. "Is he okay?" I whimpered, only wanting to hear one answer. "I don't know sweetie." I didn't understand. He was fine earlier, wasn't he? I couldn't stand to see anymore, I slowly got up and sat down again outside. What was going to happen? I thought everything happened for a reason? Not that I believe in him, but why would God want to take an amazing, gentle man from this world? My vision became blurry as a thousand questions flooded through my head.

Still no word from anyone. No one would answer me questions, I saw nurses and doctors come in and out of the room but every time I asked what was going on, if he was okay, all I got back was a 'We will have to see, darling'. Why were they calling me darling? They didn't know me, I was eighteen, not some child who didn't know when someone was up. Except I felt like one. I heard a familiar voice down the corridor and got up to see who it was. "Lil!" I ran at her. She hugged me tight and I just let the tears flow as I buried my head in her neck. Finally releasing from the hug she took my hand and sat me down against the wall. "Oh Summer.." was all she managed to say. I just shut my eyes, hoping to wake up and it all be a dream, I would be back in the flat and dad would be finishing the dinner I made, Scarlett would be home and colouring her Peppa Pig book. "Summer?" I was startled by the sudden interruption to my thoughts, and blinked to see that I was still in the hospital, and the same nurse from before was stood over me. "Could we have a minute please?" she asked politely, implying for Lil to leave. She smiled and headed to get a drink.

"So Summer, this isn't the first time your fathers been in here within the last year." The words hit me like and electric shock. "What do you mean?" I stuttered, blinking back tears. "He has been ill for a long while now, and we have been doing all we can to help him, but it seems his condition has got a lot worse. There is still hope yet, but I can't promise anything." The nurse put her arm around me. I was shaking. "Can I see him please?" I choked. She half smiled at me and nodded.

"Why did you lie to me Dad, why didn't you prepare me for this?" I almost shouted at him. The moniter that had beeped before was registering his pulse, which was wavy blue lines zig zagging all over the place. I got no reply. "Daddy, please come back." I cried into the side of his bed, smelling the clean fabric. What if he didn't make it? What would happen to me and Scarlett then?

A/N - hey guys, there's going to be loads of spellings and stuff bad in this because I'm on my iPhone and it won't let me spell check and the app isn't working, so get on my laptop in a bit I'll edit it okay? Thankyou so much for reading, fanning, voting, commentin and adding to lists. It means the world! Hopefully next part up tomorrow but I have revision to do, so it depends. Thanks again, love you all!

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