Knowing me a little.

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I'm extremely shy to eat out. I'll repeat for emphasis. I'm EXTREMELY SHY to eat out.

That's one.


I'm a very slow eater. Like veeeeery slow.

I take one spoon of food, chew like I'm counting the grains with my tongue, fly round the world like Superman and end world violence, fall in love with at least two people in close proximity (it's why I love the view of the outside world when in a restaurant), script some poetry lines, then stroll back for the next spoon.

While all those happen in my head, some things happen if I happen to be alone. I people watch. I observe people like they're in a screen, I watch their behaviours in social settings and then I journal these. Sometimes, I just journal my thoughts.

I was about writing "ever-racing thoughts" when I left it as just "thoughts." I just consciously realized my thoughts don't race like before.

Before I delve into that, one more thing about people watching. I love watching the female species of the human race. Girls, ladies, women, all of them. Next to their intriguing and diverse behaviours is their physique. I'm literally an admirer of the Woman (it's why I'm still baffled how any man can violently lay hands on a woman).

The pleasure I derive is more of a mental one, than sexual. It's like a chef looking at the face of his customer as she tastes his food and slowly puts the spoon down, her eyes closing ever so slowly as she gets oral orgasms from the pleasure attacks of the delicate spices in the food, her head rising with the speed of descending dew as she lazily inhales the aroma of paradise... Okay hol' up. I'm still talking of food right? You see that smile that stretches the lips of the chef? If you can track the neural sparks at that moment, you are very close to what I feel when I watch women.

By the way, good food is good.

If you're thinking of my sexual spec, let me firstly break the ice by telling you I'm very biased in my sexual choice of females, and it's a bias I hold strongly to because I view sex as an emotional bond. I can orgasm with any female (as a man) but it'll only be fulfilling for me if my mind firstly gets an orgasm.

How does this affect my sexual choice?

I must find a female who's mentally stimulating for me to get sexually attracted on a deep level. This is cool to me because it negates the popular ideology of the kinda sexual attractiveness I grew up in.

So here's my spec in black and white. I don't consider complexion or colour. I don't consider body size or shape. What else? Erm, yeah. Height. I don't consider height too. Age doesn't matter too. All that matters to me is that you stimulate my mind. Connect with me on a deeply emotional level and bam! You're halfway there.

It irks me to also add this but I'll still go ahead because of the clime I'm in. Religion doesn't have a box to be ticked on my list.

Where's the bias then right? Lols.

I have sex with my kind. What's my kind then?

I'm a damn sucker for Art. In whatever form it takes. Sometimes, I see myself as being too idealistic and too cut-away from reality in my choice of a sexual mate. Whether it's true or not, I find them scarce. My kind I mean.

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