Stark Naked

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I love my journey and where it's taking me. I don't know of the end, but the process is interesting and intriguing. I had pulled off my clothes. I wanted to have my bath but decided to use the toilet first.

On entering the toilet, I had pushed the bolt, locking the door. Standing stark naked, I looked at myself, and as I write, I come into a realization of my bareness. 

This body of flesh has but a limited time to occupy space on this planet, and when its time here gets done, it drops back to its origin. Earth to Earth.

Standing in the small enclosed space, my hands stretched out in a fluid motion, and my legs fell into a rhythmic movement. The sway, uninhibited restraint, the rhythm, as though controlled. 

It wasn't the songs this time. Yes, songs were playing from my phone, but it wasn't about the songs. The lyrics faded. The beat was distant. But the dance was like a response to a call. A piece of music far away. A melody the normal ears couldn't pick. 

This wasn't as long as the last one but it was more fine-tuned. I was more aware of the pulls of the strings. The movement of each arm, each twist of the waist, each rhythmic step.

I was like an active observer to the flow this body was undergoing. I soon broke into a sweat. I felt the trickle as it forged its path down my spinal depression. I observed the beads form on my forehead, gather in clusters, and roll down my face. Sometimes, caught in my eyelashes, I would quickly blink them away, or just close my eyes tightly shut for the more persistent ones to roll by.

The last dance I had, I kept my eyes open. The salty sting of the sweat hitting my eyes was not something I wanted to get again. In those few moments of selfless abandon, all thoughts vanished. Nothing about the past. Nothing about the present. Nothing about the future. It was just me, being.

Coming back to my conscious mind rave, I wonder if that is not an ideal I should attain. Where, indeed, the words of Jesus become an every moment reality.

"Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?"

In addition to my pursuit is the eternal quiescence of the mind, where I let go of all wishes and desires, and longings, and expectations, and attachments, and I simply Be. 

In the Bhagavad Gita, the Blessed Lord says,

"He who does all actions for Me, who looks upon Me as the Supreme, who is devoted to Me, who is free from attachment, who bears enmity towards no creature, he comes to Me, O Arjuna!"

Some experiences indeed are worth more than the description of words. My heart seeks. I know it'll find. 

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