Wander's Origins (Part 3)

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Wander really needed to get out of that ship. All these villains wanted to conquer the galaxy and make others suffer. No way was he gonna let that happen. His body was skinny enough to go through the bars. So he decided to try and maybe escape through the bars. But he needed a plan of some sort....

He was quite fast at running. Well, running away whenever his mom got mad at most. He could use that to probably outsmart Threat and run away. Why did Threat need him so much anyway?

"Uh pardon me askin' but why am I here?" asked Wander, with a confused look on his face but still keeping his smile. Threat looked at Wander as if he were joking and started to laugh cruelly.

"Don't you know? You're the last of your species! You're the only one left. All your friends. Your family. They're gone. Wiped out. All thanks to my spies let's just say they destroyed your poor and helpless species into a crisp. Wasn't much just a mother and her weak son. Seemed like your family almost." he said, without a second of hesitation. Wander's eyes widened in pure shock and terror. His family. Everyone. Wyzant. They were all gone...

He started to tear up. He ran away when he could've helped his family out of that disaster. He could've helped his home planet. He was good at helping. He needed to make up for it somehow...

"Oh. Didn't mean to tell you that bud. But anyway you did a nice job running away but now I have to destroy you too sooooo." and then, when Threat turned around he no longer saw Wander in the prison. In fact, he was nowhere to be found. 

As Wander was escaping through the bubble, he started to cry. He was so helpless. He had nothing. All of a sudden, he remembered what Wyzant said. 

"The helper seeks to help because he knows what it is to be helpless." Wander had remembered that quote.

All his life he was physically and verbally abused in his household and didn't know what to do. He tried to help others so they wouldn't feel the same way. But losing all he cared for. He was absolutely nothing. He sat in his orbble thinking about his regrets. This was all his fault. 

But no. He couldn't give up now. He could be a better person. More kind, more helpful. But he couldn't be destroyed by Threat like that. Wyzant has also said, "An enemy is just a friend you haven't made yet."

Perhaps he can try and befriend Threat. Although he was a dangerous villain, he could always try and get through to anyone. This one was gonna be a bit complicated though. But he was determined to do this. If he could befriend Threat, he could save he galaxy from being destroyed!

Wander was quite proud of his optimism. Maybe visiting Threat more would make Threat warm up to him more!

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