Wander's Origins (Part 11)

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What was Wander gonna do in order to save himself? He slowly took out his banjo. Last he remembered, his banjo let out some magical beams of light and went towards the direction the head of his banjo pointed at. 

He didn't like attacking others but Screwball was nothing but abusive towards him. He needed to get out of that ship and back to Threat's before he got concerned. Although he was starting something, he didn't need to include anyone else in it. 

"Look Screwball, I'm just gonna get going. I already found a nice home to live in, thanks for your hospitality." He said, slowly trying to walk away from Screwball. But then, he got hit by the tickle machine for the second time he's ever been with Screwball. He started holding his stomach and trying not to laugh.

Screwball cackled maniacally as Wander was uncontrollably laughing, trying his best to crawl away all the while being tortured by a bunch of feathers tickling his body. Threat was wondering what was taking Wander so long and decided to come out of his ship to check on him. Then, he saw the state Wander was in, passed out on the ground, unable to move, feathers all over the floor. What was going on here?

He saw Screwball...SCREWBALL???!!! What was he doing here? He was the weirdest villain in the galaxy? Could he even be considered a-. No. No time for questions and overthinking. He had to save Wander from this absolute maniac! He picked up Wander and started to sprint out of the ship.

"Not so fast Threat." said Screwball, pointing the tickle machine at Threat. He tried not to move because the second he did, he would be blasted and both Wander and him wouldn't be able to leave. 

Wander's eyes started to open and shut slowly, until he regained consciousness. Threat looked down at Wander who was starting to move in his arms and shifting uncomfortably.

Screwball looked down at Wander and grinned idiotically. But he wasn't going to blast him again. It just wasn't worth it. Then, Wander looked over at the source of all the feathers and what seemed to activate Screwball's tickle blasters. 

Threat also looked at it and then at Wander. They both nodded and threat took his staff and smashed the source into bits. Shattered glass was all over the floor and Screwball screamed in agony.

Both Threat, as he carried Wander, ran away and managed to escape from the place and the wacky-looking ship. Sylvia just arrived from shopping and was confused as to why Threat was running with an exhausted Wander in his arms.

As they were all settled and Wander was put into his cozy little bed, Sylvia asked Threat what happened.

"It's really nothing. It's just that we went for a run and Wander got so tired, he couldn't run anymore so I had to carry him." Sylvia nodded and continued sipping on her drink.

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