Wander's Origins (Part 10)

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Wander woke up and looked around. This looked like... Threat's ship? Oh right, Sylvia did say he can stay with her and Threat for a while. Sylvia and Threat seemed to be like partners, working together. But then again was Sylvia doing any... villain-y things? It couldn't be though. No planets were destroyed so far from what he heard. This was totally fine then.

"Good mornin' buddy. Say, I'm making some blueberry pancakes and they're smellin' really flarfing good. Ya' want one?" asked Sylvia, holding out a plate of blueberry pancakes with maple syrup to Wander. He got up and took the plate, placing it on his lap. It felt so warm and cozy, unlike the cold and frozen banana bread he ate with Screwball. He didn't even try and reheat it!

The pancakes tasted so nice. He hadn't had a decent breakfast in ages. This was like a miracle to him. Then, he saw Threat in a robe, arriving at the table. Wander was surprised that Threat wasn't shocked to see him there. He just grabbed a morning coffee and put some milk and sugar in it and sat at the table, yawning. Sylvia handed Threat another plate with blueberry pancakes and Threat ate away happily. 

"So Wander what bring you here?" asked Threat, taking a sip of his coffee. It smelled really nice and the steam was brushing against his face but Threat didn't mind that. Wander sighed sadly. 

Wait. What if Threat knew who Screwball was. He could talk to Threat after breakfast then and tell him all about what Screwball's done, probably even protect Wander from getting hurt by his tickle machine. 

"Can I talk to you after breakfast though Threat? Thank you for your hospitality, much appreciated." Wander nodded, staring at Sylvia then saying, "And these pancakes are amazin'! Who knew you were such a good cook?" Sylvia smiled and pat Wander on the head. 

Breakfast was finally done and Wander decided to talk to Threat alone at the table. Sylvia said she'd be out going shopping while him and Threat talked so she wouldn't listen in any case. Besides, Sylvia said she needed new clothes and groceries. So once she left, that's when Wander started talking.

"Hey Threat, do you know Screwball by any chance?" asked Wander, although somehow hesitant to even say Screwball's name.

"Oh that guy is... something. What about him?" asked Threat, handing a cup of hot cocoa to Wander which he made a little before Sylvia left to go shopping.  Wander sipped the cocoa. It tasted so warm and cozy. Maybe he could cook something later on. I mean, he always knew how to improvise! He's been cooking for his family for way too long.

"He's been yellin' at me a whole bunch and then using his tickle machine to torture others. But he thinks otherwise and says it's the right thing to do to make folks happy. Even when they do look happy and are relaxing and having a good time, he's hurting them!" said Wander, slightly sobbing into his cocoa. He didn't mean to but he did. He needed to let all his troubled emotions out. Threat patted him on the back and went towards the front of the ship. To steer? Where were they going?

The ship started to move forward. Wander was confused, why was this happening?

"Threat where to? I mean, we can't just leave Sylvia here, she's still shoppin' maybe we should wait-" But Threat stopped him by jerking the steering wheel and right on top of... SCREWBALL'S SHIP???!!!!

"Threat wait, why here?" asked Wander, confused and panicky. Threat then escorted him out of the ship and then nudged him over to Screwball's ship. Probably to get his stuff back it seemed. Wander trembled in fear but had to go. He needed his banjo and everything else. Then, he saw Screwball, already waiting for him at the entrance, as if he'd been expecting him.

"Hey there, Wander-o! So you're finally back! Say, what took you so long I-" but Wander ignored him and walked past as quickly as possible, shoving him aside, something he would never do. But Screwball was someone he was actually sick of. Someone who he didn't want to even look in the eye anymore, although he was mostly ever wearing glasses which didn't show his eyes.

He grabbed his banjo and a sack he had been carrying during his travels. None of his stuff didn't seem to be taken or ruined surprisingly. Wander then made his way outside the ship but when he was not even 1 inch near the entrance, the entrance shut in front of his very eyes. Wander turned to see what was going on.

Back in the ship, Threat was confused. Wander should've been back by now with all his stuff.  He was concerned, what was going on?

Back in Screwball's ship, Screwball hovered towards Wander. Wander backed away in fear but he knew it was all just a dead end and the entrance was locked and closed no matter how much he budged. 

"Where do you think you're going you wild wooly fuzzball. We're not done here." cackled Screwball, then taking out the tickle machine. Wander stared in fear and agony. Is this what this all has come to? 

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