Wander's Origins (Part 5)

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Wander found a planet with an active town. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves on this peaceful planet so he decided to Wander in and check it out. 

He decided to sit on a bench and maybe strum his banjo. He had brought it with him because he just couldn't do much without the company of it. He started to play his favorite song Wyzant made specifically for him.

As he started to sing, the wind on this planet got very heavy. Some dust and leaves started blowing in his face and the dust into his eyes. It took a while to blink the dust specks out but all was fine. Everyone pointed up at the sky to a big ship. It looked odd but hilarious! A whoopee cushion as the base of the ship? Comedy gold!

It landed on a big patch of grass at the local park. Out stepped.... A BANANA???? What was that? He looked hilarious. He was dressed in a nice and fancy top hat, an especially puffy clown wig with all kinds of colors, a doctor's headlamp, abnormally large hypnosis glasses, a bowtie with a red base and white polka dots and an accordion he held firmly in his...hands? Mustaches? Whatever they were used for, it didn't mater. He just looked hilarious. Was it someone's birthday? Maybe he was an entertainer!

Wander thought about how he needed shelter and a place to live. And this guy looked rather friendly, might we add, hilarious! They could get along perfectly and maybe Wander would have a place to live and finally, a friend he'd always wanted. He decided to approach him.

"Hey there and howdy! Folks call me Wander! I see your big and funny-looking ship and I think of you as a rather fine and funny fellow! Say, I'm seekin' some shelter, mind if I stay with you for a while?" he said holding out his hand in kind greeting. The banana looked him up and down and put him in a headlock unexpectedly. Wander didn't even have a second to think and he was put in a headlock. The banana squeezed his head tight between his mustache-arms and laughed. Wander was confused but decided to laugh too.

"Silly question willy Wander! I find you rather a-PEAL-ling! Sure you can stay. Stay forever, oh-ho!" He laughed, holding his banana-stomach. "Oh how BANANAS I didn't get to introduce myself! Look up at the logo of my ship! Guess, guess!" he said, pointing to the whoopee cushion Wander saw earlier. There seemed to be something like... a nail? A screw? Definitely a screw. And then a ball....

"Screwball?" Wander said, turning to him for confirmation. 

"Screwball indeed! Better yet, Dr. Screwball if you please, full name Dr. Screwball Jones but please, call me Dr. Screwball or Dr. Jones." he said, spinning around in delight, although he didn't have any legs whatsoever, he just hovered above the ground.

Wander was thankful to find someone as generous as him. Also, exploring the galaxy would be much easier with Screwball's ship! Although it looked a bit wonky, it was just the perfect and warm shelter Wander hoped for.

"Anyway, what brings you here?" asked Wander as soon as Screwball got him out of the headlock. Screwball stroked his "chin" in thought and finally answered Wander:

"I'm here to make all folks happy! As you're staying with me, you can always help me with that!" exclaimed Screwball. Wander thought for a moment. It sounded like a good idea, to cheer people up. That's what he himself also wanted to do, right? The thought of people being sad made him sad too, he wanted to turn those frowns upside down!

"Why Screwball of course! Trust me, I travel and help others seek the right path to happiness and a fulfilling life. Why we can do that together!" said Wander, jumping up and down. Screwball frowned at him slightly.

"Look, I get it, you don't force happiness onto others but then again, doesn't it take a while if you don't do that? Why not just tell others to be happy. It'll etch into their brains and make them see life as all sunshine and rainbows!" Screwball said, a slight frown on his face.

"But then again, others can't chose to be happy. I just TEACH them to see life as not so bad, y'know? Maybe help them get over their troubled past, try and make them feel better about themselves! You can't force others to have fun, you just gotta give them some comfort is what I'm saying." Wander said, smiling nervously. He didn't like objecting to other people's ideas but forcing happiness onto people was just messed up, although the term "messed up" wasn't what Wander would usually think.

"Anyway enough of that let's just get to work." said Screwball, aiming to change the subject before Wander could say anything else. Some kind of a blaster, or possibly a gun, landed in Wander's small hands. He looked up at Screwball with a concerned and confused look on his face. Screwball pointed to the gun and then at the people and made hand gestures which looked like it was targeted towards the people and then...shooting them?!!! 

No way was Wander gonna just shoot someone! Was this Screwball's way of making someone happy? Screwball was insane! Screwball face-palmed and took the gun from Wander. 

"This is my ultimate tickle-machine! In fact, my first one made! I gave it to you especially, I trust you! It won't hurt anyone. It'll make them laugh and be happy! That's what we both want, right?" said Screwball, grinning at Wander rather wickedly for Wander it seemed.

"But remember what I said about-" but then an interruption by none other than Screwball interrupted what he was trying to bring up.

"You want to stay with me don't you? Me and you both have almost the same goals for everyone. So do it." said Screwball, clearly frustrated with him. 

He couldn't let down Screwball now...

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