Wander's Origins (Part 7)

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Wander had a hard time sleeping. The pillow was rather uncomfortable on the bed he slept on. He decided to look in the pillow when he woke up. He looked over at Screwball who slept very comfortably. But how? Maybe his pillow was different was all. 

So Wander decided to look inside the pillow the moment he woke up. His neck and back was very sore. He had to crack his neck and stretch his back a few times but it was fine. This is the worst sleep he's had. But then again, he should've been thankful for what Screwball was doing for him. At least he had a bed to sleep on and some food, all the basic necessities.

Once he looked inside the pillow, confusion struck him. A whoopee cushion with Screwball's logo on it? But why a whoopee cushion and not feathers? He had a lot of feathers stored in the ship so why didn't he use some of that to fill his pillows instead of using it for the dreaded tickle machine? But then of course, Wander didn't say anything in fear of being ungrateful for what he sought to have. 

Screwball woke up a moment later. Maybe Wander could ask nicely if he would be able to replace the whoopee cushion in his pillow with feathers.

"Good morning Wander-o! Say, I'm making banana bread with berry spread for breakfast. How's that sound to ya'?" asked Screwball heading over to the kitchen (apparently there was a kitchen in this ship). And banana bread? Wasn't Screwball a- no. Wander wasn't going to think that. If Screwball was fine with making banana bread, it probably meant it wasn't a big deal.

"Top o' the mornin' to you Screwball! Say, about how I slept, why I slept fine and dandy! But the problem is, the pillow ain't too comfortable and why yes, I do thank you for your generosity and service but my neck and back feel a lil' sore. So I got an idea! Mind if I use some of your feathers stored in that glass case over there to stuff my pillow? I know you need it for yer tickle machine but may I use some please?" he asked, shifting his foot side to side. Screwball ignored him and continued baking. Wander even offered help but no response. Then as he walked over to the oven he finally responded:

"Hahahaha! You're BANANAS Wander-o! I don't need help and here's the thing: I don't do feathers in pillows. That's so last season...of our lives. You either sleep with the whoopee cushion pillow or don't sleep at all." said Screwball, laughing here and there but his tone sounded rather rude. Wander slightly frowned but then again, he didn't want to start and argument. 

Probably the only choice he had was to steal the feathers from the case. 

Wander was terribly against stealing but then again, he didn't wanna sleep every night with an uncomfortable pillow under his head. He had to do something.

The banana bread smelled wonderful. Who knew Screwball was suck a good baker? Then, Screwball took the strawberry jam and placed it on the table with 2 plates and a glass of.... was that a banana smoothie?

Later on, after a whole day and afternoon of trying to stop Screwball from using his tickle machine on others, Wander decided to get some rest. But before he did...

Screwball immediately and quickly went to sleep. So began Wander's ultimate plan... for a comfortable pillow.

Wander slowly crept over to where the glass case remained.  When he put his hat on, he didn't feel anything heavy, the hat felt so light! He decided to pull out whatever it was that pulled on him and slowly took it out. It looked like some kind of a pen light. But then, the label on it stated, "Laser Glass-Opener" 

Author's note: Idk what its called  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Maybe this was for the glass case filled with feathers! He for some reason, gave the hat a hug and proceeded to place it on his head. Then, he tried his best to make a perfect circle in the glass and then grab the feathers by using his hat! 

But it was too late...

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