Wander's Origins (Part 9)

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Exiting the ship as quietly as he could, Wander ran out as fast as he could. Then, he decided to try and walk around, maybe just to think. Should he maybe stick with Sylvia instead? That was something he needed to think about most.

Now he never had any dislike for anyone but Screwball was quite a handful for him. He could probably just stay one more night and then leave the next day. All of a sudden, he saw a blue-colored zbornak with pink hair and she looked rather familiar to Wander's view.

Wait. That was Sylvia! Wander was overjoyed just at the sight of her. He rushed over and agave her a big hug, near tears somehow.

Sylvia turned and looked at Wander weirdly. What was he doing her? Was he following her? Probably not but then again, what was this about?

"Heyya you wanderin' weirdo. Say what's the catch? Y'alright?" asked Sylvia as nicely as possible, making an attempt to stroke his fur softly. He seemed to be trembling. Was he okay? He was always that happy-go-lucky guy, although Sylvia met him once and the fact she knew all this. Wander looked up at Sylvia near tears.

"Sylvia. Mind if I stay with you for... some time?" asked Wander, slightly hesitating to ask but succeeded in even saying whatever was gonna come out of his mouth. Sylvia looked at him concerningly. This planet looked rather safe and sound, what was up with him?

"What's wrong pal? C'mon we can talk about this somewhere a little far from here though. Seems sorta' private, whatever you're about to tell me." said Sylvia, finally paying for her food after the cashier looked at her in a concerned manner. She slowly gave the cashier a reassuring nod and walked away, waving goodbye to the cashier.

They settled on this beach that was sort of empty probably due to the sun setting and the moon about to rise. The water would be too cold to swim in and nighttime in the summer on this planet was really cold.

"Well y'see I got nowhere to be an' although I'm staying with someone they seem to be quite a handful and.. and... they're forcing folks to be happy when they can find their own path can't they and-" Sylvia grabbed Wander by the shoulders and gave him a comforting look.

"Wanna stay with me and Threat for a while and work things out? I also got no where to stay so I'm sorta roaming the galaxy. It'd be nice to have a pal to do so with." said Sylvia, patting Wanders head, which seemed to comfort Wander a lot. Then, he rested his eyes and flopped onto Sylvia's lap. Sylvia smiled and picked him up, preparing the orbble and walking off with Wander in her arms. She eventually found her way to Threat's ship and placed Wander on a soft and tiny, cozy bed. 

Threat looked at Sylvia confusedly but then understood. Threat figured Wander didn't have a place to stay so this was okay with him.

Although all of Wander's stuff was in Screwball's ship, Wander would sneak in and get it the next day.

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