Hugo Gets Swallowed

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I know that this chapter is short, but I promise that the chapters get longer as we go along. I already started this story on my other account, and got 4 chapters down. Since I already have 4 chapters, I'll update every two days or so so people will have time to view this and decide if they wanna stick around for the ending. 

Really hope you like the beginning and decide to wait for the next chapter, enjoy!

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In the summer of 2020 in #12 Grimmauld Place, the Potter parents were nowhere in sight, leaving Teddy, Victoire, Fred, James, Albus, Scorpius, Rose, Lily, and Hugo alone.

In the living room, Teddy could be seen complaining about how boring the ministry people are to Victoire, who was listening attentively. Ok, I lied, she was pretending to. The part-Veela was just happy that she finally got to spend time with Teddy after all the time he's put into his work, hoping to become an Unspeakable.

James, Fred, and Lily were playing Exploding Snap with Lily winning. On the couch were Albus and Scorpius, talking (actually gossiping, but if you asked them they'd deny it) about what the new school year would bring. Rather than join their frivolous conversation, as Rose called it, she was sitting next to Scorp, reading a book about Chaser plays and tips.

Everything was normal, or as normal as things can get with the Potter-Weasley clan plus Teddy (who is practically a Potter himself) and Scorpius. However, as I look over what I have written so far, I see that I forgot to mention where Hugo is in all of this! Well, you see-

"HELP!" screamed Hugo at the top of his lungs. Everyone leapt to their feet, as the instincts from all of that training their Not-Actually-Their-Aunt Judy had had them go through kicked in. But that's another story, and now we go back to the leaping-to-their-feet part, and then running up the stairs to where the shouting came from.

And what a sight that was. I'm literally as shocked as they are! I mean, these kind of things only happen to Harry Potter! Hugo isn't even biologically related to him, so that can't be an excuse. But there it was, against all odds a blueish, blackish, purpleish vortex that was swallowing Hugo whole!

James, like the stupidly heroic I-don't-think-anything-through- and-just-jump-into-action Gryffindor he was, ran over and took hold of Hugo's forearm, the only part of him left sticking out of the still-swirling vortex. As he was trying to save him by playing tug-of-war (honestly James, can't you see that this is a time of crisis?), he got sucked in too! Teddy started screaming profanities. As if the vortex heard him, it turned towards them and then, by some unGodly force, started moving their way, fast!

They tried every spell they could think of (a Cheering Charm, really Fred?) and still couldn't make it stop or back off.

And so they were sucked in. . .

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Hope you like what I have so far! Also, please any constructive criticism/general comments/review welcome, 'cause they help me write faster. :)

P.S. The pictures up there will be nature pics, unless I've I have something for the chapter.

Date of Update: 10/27/2020

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