Scorpius Suggests a Plan

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Hope you're liking the story so far! And as to what the picture above is for, you'll see. . .

And now here's chapter three:

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Molly, for some reason, decided to take it upon herself to make sure that her future family (not that she knows they are) doesn't go hungry. In other words, making so much food that it would've fed one Hogwarts' houses. The time travelers were used to her overbearing tendencies, so everything was ok. Well, ok until the events of the last hour caught up with them.

"We've traveled back in time." That statement, said by our favorite metamorphamagus (well, future favorite considering the fact that Tonks, sadly, dies) made them all realize how problematic their situation is. Even if they could prevent altering the timeline (which they kind of could, considering how good Hugo is with the Memory Charm), they still had to find a way to go "back to the future". Pun kinda intended.

"Well, we can use a time turner, right?" Lily Luna half suggested and half asked.

"Yeah, we can, if we had one," pointed out Rose.

"Maybe. . .Maybe we can go through that vortex thingy again!" James exclaimed after swallowing his bite of chicken. "Wait a second. . .Hugo, how in the name of Merlin's pants did you come across a vortex?" At this, everyone paused and looked at him, even Molly.

"Oh, well, I was going to our Quidditch Supply Room to get some brooms so we can play Quidditch. I shrunk only 8 brooms because I know Vicky doesn't like to play, and put them in my pocket. I was going to go down the stairs when that vortex thing went right through the roof and was right in front of me. That's when I screamed for help and started getting swallowed by it." Hugo shuddered at this. "And that's something I don't EVER want to experience again. It felt like I was getting squished and stretched, like that thing that Mom gave us when we were little. I think it was called Plado. No, that's not right. . .Playdo! Yeah, that's it. Anyway, I thought that my life flashed before my eyes, because I saw all the delicious food I've ever eaten, and that day where I got mentally scarred for life when I-" Hugo got cut off when Rose slapped him on the back and he started choking.

"What was that for?" Hugo asked when he recomposed himself, glaring at Rose. If looks could kill, I think Rose would have ended up choking like Hugo did just seconds before.

"Didn't want you to ruin any of our lives any more than you already did," retorted Rose. Hugo opened his mouth, probably to say that no, he did NOT ruin any of their lives and that it was unfair that she was blaming him. Of course, he never got to say that.

"ANYWAY," Scorpius said, hurriedly changing the conversation before it turned into an argument, which it was. "We need to find another way back. Or forward. You know what I mean. Anyway, we have to start brainstorming ideas. Does anyone know any spells, rituals, and anything like that that can help us get back home." As he said this, he looked hopefully at Teddy, considering the fact that he researches these kinds of things.

Teddy sighed regretfully as he said, "No, I don't have anything. Rose?"

"If you can't come up with something, then I definitely don't "have anything"."

"Maybe we can help," Hermione said as she entered the kitchen, followed by most of the Order. It turns out that Dumbledore went into a coma after Lily mentioned Harry's horcrux, so Bill and Kingsley were to take him to Madam Pomfrey, since St Mungos is being watched by the Ministry. Snape (obviously) thinks that this is all Potter's fault, so he left for Hogwarts with Minerva in tow. Something about getting a headache potion from Poppy. That left Mad-Eye, Sirius, Remus, Tonks, Arthur, the Golden Trio, and the rest of the Weasley children (minus Charlie and Percy, of course).

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