Rose the Destroyer of Eardrums

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Since I'm such a nice person, I decided to update another chapter today. Thank me by commenting please.

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It was a normal day at 12 Grimmauld Place in the summer of 1995. Sirius was sulking, members of the Order of the Phoenix came and went (most of them currently and conveniently sitting in the kitchen, eating Molly's mouth-watering food), and the Golden Trio were bored out of their minds.

I'm pretty sure you can guess what happened next.


Teddy, Victoire, James, Fred, Albus, Scorpius, Rose, Lily, and Hugo (also known as 9 potentially dangerous wizards and witches to everyone else) fell from the vortex that swallowed them minutes before in a pile in the middle of the living room.

By the time they were all standing and taking in their surroundings, the members of the Order that were formerly in the kitchen were now in the lounge, wands pointing at the intruders, even twinkly Dumbledore.

"Who are you, and what are you doing here?" is what they would have said if this was a cliché go-back-in-time-to-1995-OotP fanfic. However, it is not, so this is what happened instead:

"Who-" started Remus, but was interrupted by Hermione's shout, "Oh my God! They're from the future!" Everyone, and I mean everyone looked at her, eyes wide as saucers and mouths wide open, making them look like gaping fish.

"How'd you figure that out?" Dead-Uncle-Fred said, with George nodding in tow.

"Well," Hermione began in her this-is-so-obvious-a-first-year-could-have-figured-it-out voice, "those two," she pointed at Al then James, "look a lot like Harry, but they can't have been using Polyjuice because they don't look exactly like him. So basically, his kids." Insert horrified Harry face. Hermione paid him no mind and continued, "And he," she pointed at Scorpius, "looks a lot like Malfoy, so he must be related to him. As for the guy that had turquoise hair that kept changing colors as I was talking, the most obvious explanation for that is that he's a metamorphamagus, and so Tonks's son. I could go on, but I think I've made my point."

A slightly bewildered Dumbledore coughed, and with everyone's attention on him he said in the most grandfatherly voice he could muster, "Well, that is a very interesting theory Miss Granger. But before we start jumping to conclusions, let us ask them first, shall we?" He looked towards the time travelers and put on his super twinkly eyes, so that they wouldn't be intimidated by him.

Whoa, wait, you believed that? Pshh. That is utter tripe. He put on his twinkliest look so that no one would notice that he was going to use Legilimency on his chosen victim. The chosen victim being Victoire. And that is what put his plan in jeopardy, because everyone (everyone from the future, that is) knew that you didn't mess with Victoire Weasley.

Hmm. That blonde girl will do perfectly. Legilimens. Dumbledore noiselessly and wandlessly cast the spell while looking directly at Vicky's eyes. Then oh so suddenly, he was in a dark, square room.

How strange, was what he thought right before the whole room burst into flames, burning him too. He felt it, he felt the burn. The pain. He tried to retract back to reality, but he was suddenly transferred to Muggle prison cell. And his robes, oh his beautiful, bright yellow robes with purple polka-dots were gone, replaced with the most horrible striped black and white shirt and pants. But that wasn't the worst part. There was a bowl of lemon drops just outside the cells, but as he reached his hand through the bars towards it, it was pulled back by some force. When he sat back down, it came closer. Dumbledore tried again, reaching farther, but the bowl sprung legs and ran away giggling. He couldn't take it anymore. He could not take it anymore. HE COULD NOT TAKE IT ANY-

Then he was back in his body.

"What did you do to him?!" shouted Sirius, looking at his old Headmaster who was pathetically shaking on the ground, sucking his thumb and muttering about walking bowls and black and white stripes. Everyone was confused, because one moment Dumbles was as twinkly as ever, and then the next in his present state.

"I didn't do anything but defend myself." Vicky glared at Dumbledore as she said the next words. "That senile man tried to use Legilimency on me, so I responded by using Occlumency. And when we go back home, I'm going to buy Aunt Judy something special because all those weeks of Occlumency and Legilimency training were useful after all." She smiled as she said the last part.

"You know, you never answered Hermione's question: Are you from the future?" asked Harry, more than a bit horrified at the idea of having two kids.

The 2020 time travelers looked at one another, silently contemplating whether or not to answer. Then Al, sweet little innocent Al, gave them all the most snake-y Slytherin smirk that Salazar Slytherin himself would've been proud. Translated, that smirk meant "let's play with them".

The Potter-Weasley clan plus Teddy and Scorpius all said,


"Last time I checked."

"Of course we are!"







"If you really are from the future, prove it," snarled Mad-Eye, his fake eye moving between all nine of them, as if they were about to sprout claws and fangs and kill them all. Knowing Moody that's probably one of his theories.

Lily, who took Al's smirk to heart, said, "I don't know, how exactly can we prove we're from the future?" She sighed, then commented in a way that someone would if they were trying to start a polite conversation, "By the way, have you gotten rid of D-Harry's horcrux yet? It must be very uncomfortable having a piece of someone else's soul lodged in your scar, so you're gonna have to get that fixed."

Dumbledore, who had just recomposed himself and was getting his twinkle on, paled until he was paler than a Malfoy and then fainted, which isn't surprising considering he was burned alive, tortured (in horrible, HORRIBLE ways), and hadn't had a lemon drop in more than 4 hours.

Everyone simultaneously started shouting at Lily, the other time travelers, each other, Dumbledore, and the time travelers again until Rose, the destroyer of eardrums, decided to grace them all with her ear-piercing whistle that she'd perfected in her days on the Gryffindor Quidditch Team trying to get all the other players to pay attention to some new strategy or other.

"EVERYONE SHUT UP!" she yelled at everyone, even though they had stopped talking as soon as she'd whistled. "You're giving me a bloody MIGRAINE. Now I'm going to go in that kitchen and get something to eat. If you want to get something too, then feel free. But I will NOT tolerate any shout, yell, or scream of any kind, understand." She glared at everyone as she said the last word. Then, she grabbed Al and Scorp's arms and dragged them with her to the kitchen. Soon, the time travelers followed her, leaving the members of the Order frozen figures behind.

Except for Hermione of course; she was trying to figure out what in the world a "horcrux" is and what was Harry doing with one in his forehead.

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Thank you, thank you, you're too kind! (this is me assuming someone is reading and appreciating my art)

So, what do you think of this chapter? Please comment! (As I've said before, they are what drive me towards writing more of the 5th chapter that I've only written one paragraph of so far)

Date of Update: 10/28/2020

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