Albus Realizes Something

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I'm going to let you in on a little secret here. *looks around, trying not to be suspicious and failing outright*

Albus Severus Potter is my favorite Potter of all time! There. I said it.


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All the time travelers stopped pacing, and looked at where the door to the Room of Requirement was supposed to be. And, guess what, there was a door there! A brownish reddish, probably mahogany colored door stood in their wake. There was a lot of staring, then the realisation that if there was a door, then that meant-

"It worked," stated Hugo. A smile formed on his face as he said again, more excited than that time when his Grandma made a cake made up of different kinds of sandwiches, "It worked! This is it, we're going home!" This statement was like a broken dam, and all at once the hallway was filled with shouting and dancing and jumping and yelling and screaming and cheering and grunting (Mad-Eye) and singing and freezing then covering their ears after Rose decided she'd had enough and whistled. Teddy looked ready to start screaming profanities again, but Rose (thankfully) interrupted him.

"Ok everyone, I'm as excited as you are that Scorp's plan worked, but we have to keep our heads and stop acting like it's New Years Eve! Before we even think about going through that door, we-meaning you, little brother-have to obliviate Moody and Tonks," she said as she pointed at the duo. Moody was understandably very uncomfortable at being memory charmed by a mere child who could probably mess up his already messed up brain, but he was outnumbered 10 to 1 (literally outnumbered 10 to 1, not the expression). Because of the outnumbered-ness, Moody had to give in to the obliviation. But to show how much he disagreed with this decision as a whole, he gave his biggest grunt yet.

Hugo took out his wand, a solemn expression on his face, and got ready to obliviate them. However, before he did, he said, "Well, it was nice meeting you while it lasted. I promise to visit your graves when we go back." You could've imagined their shocked and horrified faces, but before Tonks and Mad-eye could start shouting about their supposed deaths, Hugo performed the spell and told them, "You were just going back to the Order's hideout to talk to Remus and Sirius about Order stuff." James then nudged him and whispered in his ear. Hugo nodded with a small smile on his face, then told the still dazed aurors, "You were also going to have a long conversation about Quidditch supplies, and then Moody, you were going to tell Unc-Harry, Ron, and Hermione the story of how you got your magical eye." Moody grunted, which everyone took as an affirmative, and both he and Tonks turned and sprinted away. Probably to go use the floo.

Hugo tucked away his wand and grinned at his family. "All set, and ready to take off." Hugo's such a rocket. Anyway, everyone turned to the door, and James just went and opened it, not even thinking of the possibility that it might lead to a 10-year fall or a lake with crocodiles in it who hadn't had breakfast. Or lunch. You know what I mean.

I guess the rest of them weren't thinking of those possibilities either, as they all followed James through the door. . .

. . .And somehow landed on top of each other again in the middle of 12 Grimmauld Place's lounge again and then they untangled themselves again. Just like the beginning, except they were back in 2020, home sweet year. They knew it was theirs at first glance; the décor made it a bit obvious.

"Finally, we made it back! And we didn't even ruin the timeline in the process!" Rose exclaimed happily, very satisfied with their work.

Everyone was smiling, some were hugging, and most were heading for the kitchen, their adventure making them hungry. However, Albus Severus Potter was doing none of the above. In fact, his eyes were open wide, skin so pale he could've been mistaken for Scorpius's brother, if it weren't for his hair and eyes.

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