Teddy Turns a Time Turner

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Ok, second to last chapter! Nothing more to say except,


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Judy smiled and pulled something out of her (ok, this is definitely magically expanded) robe's pocket. "As I made my way here, I decided to save you guys the trouble and make a short stop at the Department of Mysteries. Teddy, since you're the oldest and training to become an Unspeakable, you get to be in charge of this." She beckoned him to her, and gave him a slightly-bigger-than-normal time turner. Teddy grinned mischievously as he put the chain (which expanded as he pulled) around his neck. I don't even know why this sometimes-reckless boy wants to be an Unspeakable. You know what, it's probably because of the illegalness of the things they do in the Department of Mysteries, but it's all classified as "legal" just because they're the Department of Mysteries.

"This time turner is specialized to go back in time by years, not hours. So all you have to do is turn it 35 times for 35 years. Now, for you guys to get to Hogwarts without being seen. . .Rose, you can be in charge of this." Judy dug through her pocket, half her arm in it, until she found what she was looking for. The thing she was looking just happens to be a one-foot-sized Harry Potter bobble head, which she gave to Rose, who had an expression on her face that I literally can't describe. Everyone, as you can imagine, was looking at Judy in disbelief. How, exactly, was this supposed to help them get to Hogwarts? Bob its head at them?

Judy rolled her eyes at her not-really nieces and nephews and said, "It's a portkey you idiots. It'll activate 5 seconds after you, Rose, say the magic words, which are "Brian Wulfric Percival Granger-Potter". Al, don't look at me like that. It's an easy one to remember and it's not like you're going to go around saying it accidentally. Anyways, you turn the time turner, then you all take a hold of the bobblehead and Rose says the magic words. Then you go find Snape and obliviate him, then head to the Room of Requirement and when you go through that door, POOF, you wake up! Everyone understand the plan?" Everyone nodded, more confident than before considering they wouldn't in any case be endangering their timeline.

"Good." Judy then looked at them all and said, "What are you waiting for? Put the (time turner's) chain around you and then Teddy, start turning that time turner!" And so they did, and then he did (turn the time turner, that is) 35 times.

Suddenly, there was a small, sandy hurricane all around them, and the last thing they saw their Aunt Judy waving good-bye to them. Then, as fast as it came, the hurricane of sand disappeared, leaving them in the middle of the living room of dream-1995's 12 Grimmauld Place. The Golden Trio, along with the Weasley kids, were listening to Mad-Eye Moody telling them about some poker game he lost, but the second the time travelers arrived, Moody whipped out his wand and pointed it at them.

"Who are you, and what-" poor Alastor never got to finish his gruffly-said, very cliché sentence because Hugo obliviated him along with his parents, uncles, and aunt. He then ordered them to go to Sirius's room. I think that was a bad decision because it would get pretty crowded, especially when you include Buckbeak who's bound to be claustrophobic.

"Come on, Rose! We need to get out of here before the rest arrive! Even if they are part of a dream that Aunt Judy imprisoned us in, I don't want to scramble their brains any more than I have to." Luckily, almost everyone was touching the portkey by the time Hugo was done talking.

When everyone got a hold of the bobblehead, Rose said the magic words, "Brian Wulfric Percival Granger-Potter!" And just in time, too. It would've been very awkward if they'd stayed, considering the fact that Dumbledore used the floo at that very moment, his marker make-up suddenly wearing off as he stepped into the room, along with Minerva, Kingsley, and Bill.

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