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Assalamualaikum warahamtullahi wabarakatuhu,...hope you're all doing well.
Well, its 5th of Rabi'ul Awwal today, kinda late but its not that late now, is it ?
Here, I'd like to share with you all a course that helped me change a lot. Change for better of course. The first ever Islamic course I took in the journey of learning about our glorious Deen and I am so glad, blessed and grateful to Allah for blessing me with the opportunity to learn about the life of RasulAllah ﷺ and I just want to share it with every single person out there. And for this, In Sha Allah, we will be all learning it together. To sum up it all, here it goes...👇🏻

》I'll share a reflection from one lesson everyday, on my social media ids.,for 36 days. (Yes,we will be learning it after RabiUl Awwal too,as there are 36 lessons)

》Along with reflections, I'll share the link to that lesson. On Facebook, it will be in the comment section, on Instagram, it will be in the bio.

》 All you have to do is listen, to the audio lesson, reflect, note, make a journal...anything,just make it memorable coz its worth it !

》 Share it 🙃

Learning about the greatest person ever, who's walked on this earth, the walking Quran, Allah's beloved prophet, the one whom Allah sent as mercy to the worlds...its such a huge blessing that many of us are in need of badly ! And my special prayers for our beloved Ustadha Taimiyyah Zubair for making this voyage so intriguing and contemplative and everything that nourishes our souls. May Allah bless her abundantly in this world and hereafter for teaching Seerah of Prophet ﷺ in a way so easy yet so comprehensive and nurturing. May Allah accept our deeds and help us being consistent with it, Aameen.

📌 Note : Sisters who wish to follow this learning pattern everyday may raise your hands in the comments section, so I can tag them in every post and they don't miss out on anything.
You can share what you learnt from the lessons and post your reflections too. Feel free to tag me 🙃
Members of ILman Nafiya -> you all will be getting the updates in the group. In Sha Allah.

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