Introduction to Seerah

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Day 1

As Seerahtun Nabawiyyah Lesson 1 : "Introduction to Seerah"
Speaker : Ustadha Taimiyyah Zubair
Duration : 41'01"

5 years ago, out of nowhere, I found an audioclip in my sisters WhatsApp Islamic group. I heard it and I was spellbound. It was 18th lecture of As Seerahtun Nabawiyyah. I didn know about it anything. I didn know who was the speaker but I wanted to hear more of it. It was like a sudden fascination,  a sudden quest I took. I started to search with all possible keywords, and then Alhamdulillah, found the whole podcast. It was like finding a treasure so precious that I remember I had never felt that happier before. I didn know why I wanted to take this course. As you finsih the first lesson, Introduction to Seerah, you'll find, so many reasons to study seerah, but to be honest....I had none !!! Probably it was my keenness to learn about our religion, a thirst for knowledge that was giving me immense joy when quenched...or was it my unvocalised love for RasulAllahﷺ , that I never knew I had in me...and that was just urging me to know about him more and more and more....As each chapter went by, I realized I knew nothing. I was being transformed unknowingly yet so drastically.

Seerah has root letters س ي ر which give the word sayr. Simply, it means Journey, a voyage, in other terms its a way someone lives or the mannerism.

When we take this course, its literally like taking a journey, at the beginning you will be excited, like a Wanderer who wants to explore more, and catch and grasp on every single detail of the voyage. A journey of transformation. A journey of so many emotions and a quest best to begin with, in the biggest voyage of pursuit of knowledge. At the end of it, you'll be a different person. Trust me. You will not be the same person as you're now. Only if you pour sincerity in it though. And if we look at the meaning, changes us so subtly that we see our speech, our perspectives , our approach towards life and everything in it, changing.

I won't take much time, but I just pray, may Allah keep us steadfast on this pursuit of knowledge and make us reflect and act upon it more than our ability. May He help us let go of laziness, procrastinations, unintrestedness in seeking the knowledge that benefits. And most importantly,  may He save us from forsaking this course in the middle. Aameen. Here you go.

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