More like kiss n ditch

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it wasn't till i reached the bottom of my cup of coffee that it hit me.... i had just cheated on my boyfriend better yet my O.C.D controlling boyfriend whom controlled every little part of my life and i had sex with another man in his home on his sofa bed. There's no going back now! he'd kissed me and left me!

Hours passed and I had to do was clean up, clean up the evidence of what I had done I could feel the guilt all over my body like a thick layer of dirt on my skin that I couldn't scrub off.. I had cheated on my boyfriend with a man that had both ripped apart my world but was putting it back together bit by bit I'm confused on what it is that I want... One day I think I want Dawson and other days I think I want Hanson....

The front door opened followed by his heavy footsteps "Charlie, I'm home! I'm hungry i want lunch!" Calling from his study where he without a question is playing video games "Sure baby" this is getting really old really fast but because i felt so guilty i did it without thinking... yes yes i know i have a very unhealthy relationship. I slaved in the kitchen to make him a huge lunch of grilled cheese sandwich with potato chips as well Buffalo wings and to make it even better a nice cold beer for him. 

Placing the plates of food on his desk in front of him "what the fuck is this?" whats wrong now? "What the hell is this shit!!" throwing the plates aside... i knew what was about to happen... and i knew id have to go crawling to Hanson after he had slept with me and left me

***have no fear there is another one to come, im going to try and push alot out tonight before i go away for a week... lets also hope that my writing gets a lot better soon :)***

***side not thank you so much to Isobeldepp for faving for every single part from the start its mean a shitload to me so thank you***

xoxoxox princesstigerlillyxx***

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