listening in on other people conversations is rude you know!

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Everything was hurting, my side hurt to much to breath deeply. My shin had been slip wide open as well as a huge gas on my forearm there was so much blood... so much that I wasn't sure if it was pouring from my nose or from my arm all I knew was I was hurting and I needed Tom... and I needed him now! i scrambled for my phone called Tom laying my head on my phone to weak to hold it up anymore "Charlie i cant talk now I'm at work! ill call you when I'm not busy!" I knew tom was working undercover but i had to call him so i called him back after he hung up abruptly "damn it charlie im busy!" i coughed and wheezed a little "h-help" was all i could choke out. it hurt to breath and talking was like adding lemon juice to rusty cuts.

what felt like a life time i heard the door being broken in a yelling coming from the living room "WHERE IS SHE YOU BASTARD!" Tom was here to save me! i could feel myself getting real weaker... then black.

*beeep* *beeep* *beeep* *beeep* what the hell is that? *beeep* *beeep* *beeep* *beeep* this is getting really annoying "Tom you gonna be ok?" Dough? Tom? *beeep* *beeep* *beeep* *beeep* can someone shut up that beeping! *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* it was getting faster the mader i was getting "Tom i think she can hear us?" yes! yes i can! "Doug don't be stupid! god! i should have gotten there faster! i shouldn't have hung up on her" Tom was really upset over all this "Tom look you cant blame yourself if anyone is to blame its that asshole!" Doug never really swore nor did Tom but i could feel his anger "Dough you don't get it! i slept with her! and then i left her the next morning without so much as a thanks or anything i made her coffee then left her... if i had of stayed none of this would have happened! god I'm so stupid!" no no don't blame yourself Tom *beep beep* *beep beep* *beep beep* my heart was racing i was pissed and i wanted to slap him for thinking that this was his fault! it was all my fault!

"Tom no, I could be just as much to blame I was there that night too normally I stay till morning too" there was a long pause followed by a sigh "Doug... I have feelings for her and it scares me" I felt like my hear stopped and my chest exploded... Tom had feelings for.... Me?

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