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Ian comes into the kitchen.
"Why are you down here?" He grabs my waist to pull me into his chest.

"I'm too tired to seep." I turn my head to look at him. He presses my front side against the counter grabbing my jaw.

"What do you mean?"
"I don't know. I'm tired but I can't sleep."

"We're taking you to see someone." I try to shimmy out of his grasp and he lets me go.

"No. Cause i'm fine Ian."
"No you're not." I jump at the sound of Ian's voice behind me.

"You aren't sleeping, or eating. And you've passed out like twice already." Timothy says as he appears on side of me. I frown feeling bombarded.

"I already know what's wrong with me."
"What then?"
"What if i'm just preggo?" I cross my arms over my chest.

"Doubtful. But if you want to be," Gray presses against me. "I'll do the honors."
"Good god." I shake my head smiling.
He chuckles kissing me.

"I don't think you can get pregnant. As many times as we've had sex you should have already been pregnant." Ian says cupping my face, his warmth spreading through.

"I guess you're right then."
"Awesome. Now come to bed so we can fuck you to sleep. Yeah?" Timothy takes my hand.
"Okay." I beam.

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