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chapter three

They walked outside to the and saw Jayden and some boy talking

Anns pov: I saw John tense up
A: hey hey hey what's wrong?
Jo: she's with a guy last time she got heartbroken and ended up in the hospital
A: but you don't need to be overprotective of her she an have boyfriend.
Jo: you wouldn't understand annie.
A: well can you tell me what happened atleast.
Jo: another time gorgeous
A: okay then..lets go put your bags in the car.
we started walking but then I stopped him.
A: hey, when we get over to the car don't say a word to Jayden about that guy she's talking to.
Jo: why-
A: just dont! you might ruin her mood this is the happiest shes been all week..
Jo: what why what happened-
A: I'll tell you later but just please don't ruin her mood..
Jo: only for you gorgeous
A: *smiles* now let's go
Jo: okay okay

J: where have you to been I've been waiting out here for like 10 minutes
Jo: well..
A: I wanted water!
A: Uhh yea I was thirsty and they ran out of water my wallet was in here that's why I couldn't get it...?
J: uhm...okay?
Jo: can we go now I want to sleep
A: look who's the grumpy one now.
Jo: oh shut it gor- Annie
A: *glares at him*
J: what's up with you two?
A: nothing why?
J: you guys seem like bestfriends already.
Jo: that's because we are *wraps arm around her*
J: oh noo! your gonna steal her from me!
Jo: she's mine *smirks*
J: Uhh no she's mine *grabs annie*
A: are you guys seriously fighting over me? I'm honored
J+J: *laughs*
Jo: whatever Jay you can have her today tommorow shes mineee
J: fine!
A: so you guys have to share me like a toy..
J: yep
Jo: so are we just going to stay here at the airport all day or...
A: yea let's go I'm started to get sleepy
Jo: I'm going in the backseat!
A: I thought you would've called shotgun
J: he likes to sleep in the backseat he says the front makes his neck hurt he's been like that all his life.
J: oh and you have to sit in the back to his bags are in the front seat *frowns*
A: ugh fine.
Jo: hey I'm not that bad gor- Annie
A: you have got to stop doing that
Jo: sorry but Jayden it's right there
A: whatever go to sleep
Jo: I was already planning on it.
Annies pov: he lays his head on my lap.

chapter four

A: uhmm what are you doing?
Jo:going to sleep
Jo: what else does it look like I'm doing gorgeous.
J: what did you just call her!?
Johns pov: I forgot Jayden was in the car.
Jo: I called her annie?
J: that's not what I heard.
Jo: well your hearing things.
J: whatever.
Annies pov: I start to play with his hair and hear quiet snores.
J: how did you do that?
A: I have no idea
J: usually takes him 20 minutes to fall asleep in the car
Annies pov: I stop playing with his hair and he woke up.
Johns pov: I grab her hand and put it back on my head.
Annies pov: I start playing with his hair again.
A: *giggles*
J: do you have some special effects on my brother or...hes going soft I don't like it-
A: what do you mean?
J: he has a soft spot for you Julie
A: *smiles* I guess he does..
Anns Pov: I soon fall asleep after.

30 minutes later.

John's pov: I woke up to Jayden lightly shaking me *groans*
J: John were home..
Jo: okay I'm getting up..

I got up and saw Annie asleep.

J: can you get her she seems to have a soft spot for you she hates it when I wake her up to
Jo: uhm yea...
John POV: I waited until Jayden left inside with my bags to wake her up.
J: gorgeous wake up...
A: Jayden go away..
Jo: gorgeous were home come on..
A: john..?
Jo: yes come on..
Anns pov: I raise my arms for him to pick me up
Jo: *sighs* okay princess
Johns pov: I carefully lift her up out of the car, I walk inside the house and go upstairs to my old room and lay her down on my bed.
Jo: *kisses her forhead* sweet dreams gorgeous.
John's pov: I was about to leave the room until I heard my name being called, I turned around and saw Annie awake.
A: come back..
Jo: princess jaydens gonna ask questions if I sleep with you..
A: I don't care just come lay with me...
Jo: okay gorgeous.
John's pov: I took off my shirt and later next to her, I pulled her closer to my chest and we both drifted off to sleep.

Jayden's pov: I finished bringing John's bags into the house and didn't see Annie in the car, I looked In my room and didn't see her and then looked in John's old room.
They were cuddling oh God no she's falling for my brother...

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