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chapter 18

Annies pov: I felt eyes on me and looked up to see John staring at me.
A: you know your staring right *giggles*
no response
A: john?
Annies pov: I turn around and see John smiling at me.
A: what..?
Jo: c-can I do something..?
A: *slowley nods*
Johns pov: I slowley lean in and kiss her
annies pov: I was shocked but kissed back. It was a long passionate kiss until I heard a gasps I automatically knew it was Hayley, we pulled away and saw Hayley jumping up and down and screaming
Jo: *laughs*
H$: so what did it feel like!?
A: Hayley what-
H$: never mind stupid question sooo are you guys like dating now?
Jo: *looks at Annie then back at hayley*
Jo: soon *winks*
A: *blushes*
H$: *screams*
A+JO: *laughss*
Jo: why are you so happy about this haybug?
H$: I can be an aunt!
Jo: *my eyes widened*
Johns pov: I look at Annie and she was just as shocked as me
H$: where the kid!
Jo: Hayley it doesn't work like that-
H$: then how!?
A: u-uh..
Jo: why dont we get some ice cream!?
H$: Oooo yes!!
Jo: okay let-
Johns pov: I get a call from my cousin Lauren her contact had a red heart next to it since we're extremely close.
I looked at Annie and she saw my phone, she looked sad.
Annies pov: does he have a girlfriend..?
I got up and ran away.
H$: what's her problem?
Jo: my cousin Lauren called and now she probably thinks I have a girlfriend *groans*
H$: then go after her and explain yourself idiot!
Jo: but where will you be!?
H$: my friends mom is over to the left I'll be there okay?
Jo: okay be safe haybug and you have mine and Annies number call if you need anything.
H$: I will!
John's pov: I started running after Annie an finally caught up to her, I grabed her by the waist and pulled her to me.
A: let me go!
Anns pov: i said while crying.
Jo: Annie it's not what it looks like okay!?
A: what your just gonna kiss me make me fall for you and still have a girlfriend!?
Jo: Princess-
A: don't call me that! is Annie to you.
Jo: Annie this is all a misunderstanding
A: misunderstanding?!
Jo: please let me explain annie!
A: NO! I'm so done with you and your games!
A: bye orlando.
John's pov: my heart sunk, she probably hates me now, I started crying.

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