Six words, that's all I took. He was finally on my side and he was okay with it. After arguing mentally about it he took my side. So agreeing to this, I made my own conditions. Never kill more than once a week unless I get hurt and need it to heal. Never kill a nice animal such as a deer, or rabbit, only wild animals, coyotes, bears or wild cats. No talking about this with anyone outside of our group.

After a few days, and wild cat blood, my strength was up. I felt so powerful and alive. My color was better and I felt alive again. So far, Ashton, Lucian, Titan and Dagur had stayed with me but I was assigned to one each day of the week. Sundays were with Ashton. Monday's Lucian, Tuesday's, Titan, Wednesday with Dagur Thursday with Colby Friday with Cordelia, and Saturday with Cedric. Today was Thursday.

Colby enters my toon with a fearful apologizing look. I could tell he felt guilty about what he said. He didn't know I knew but I could tell he was feeling some way. His black eyes glassy. See demons all had some part of their soul left. And speaking of eyes. I forget to mention, Wolves eyes were golden, Angels a very bright blue silver, and of course demons are black, hybrids are mixed more of a deeper purple. Witches and warlocks were purple bright purple. And vampires were red.

He sat down on my bed because I had just woken up. His eyes sorrowful and a very apologetic smile across his face.

"I must apologize, I had intentions on letting you fight alone, but I see now I was wrong so I understand if you want to drop me for someone else twice a week," he said. I grabbed his arm. He looked at me.

"It's okay, I would've been the same," I said. He grinned.

The day wasn't bad. I dressed in regular bootcut jeans, a white shirt and black leather jacket, and we trained in some magical areas. I mastered my teleportation skills. After trying a hundred times. If something bad happened I could just disappear and reappear somewhere else.

And by the end of the day I was ticketed our and ready for bed. Colby stayed by me until I fell asleep.

The morning came to quickly. And today was Friday. Cordelia was waiting by the window for me. She was in a good spirit to. Reminded me so much of mother. She was just a beautiful. Mom had strawberry blonde much like hers. She felt me waking.

"It's wonderful what a person or at least a witch can see without any problem, they are close dear, very close, we may need to move, in a few short weeks," she spoke. I got up and dressed in a knee length black dress fitted. And threw on a red jacket. And some deep brown wedges. My wardrobe changed everyday.

"That wardrobe was designed to take us places, it's magic, made by my great grandmother, we could go whoever you'd like, if you want," she says stepping closer to it. "I could teach you tricks and spells you've never heard of."

"Really, like what," I asked. She smiled with a soft laugh.

"Well, have you ever heard of, mind manipulation?"

"I'm sorry Cordelia I actually haven't," I told her. She nodded to me.

"It's a trick of ones mind, to make them see and feel what we choose, there is also the shielding magic, it protects the mind, body and soul," she said. That's as exciting.

"Have you ever worked with the elements Cordelia?"

"Yes, Phoenix, I have worked with water and earth, the calming elements," she said. That was a bit darker. But it would be useful.

"Can I learn please," I asked she stepped back in shock. Did I step on her toes?

"My child that is a darker magic. One I'm afraid if you let it control you, you may go darker than anyone's gone, you have to remember you are the only one of your kind," she says. I know. And I keep feeling alone in this.

"I will teach a few things but not the darker stuff," she said. I nodded. She opened the wardrobe and placed her hands in front of it. She chanted in Latin. I had no idea what she was saying.

"Now, picture where and when you want to take us, and grab my hand," she said. She dressed like a century old witch. So the erra of knights would be a good place to start. That's what I pictured. The renaissance era.

I grabbed her hand and we stepped inside the wardrobe. We began to walk further until the air around us felt different. It was calm but strong. The wind was still and there were chatters around us but not to close. We turned around and the wardrobe was gone. Must've been somewhere else. When we turned back around there were women in gowns, long gowns. Much like the renaissance. And we were to. I wore a red gown and she wore a purple.

"A fine erra I'll say, Cordelia says. I nodded. I've always wandered what it was like. And now I know. It was wonderful. Peasants were so nice and smiling. They were talking amongst the royals. People were actually getting along. But they were human.

"Come dear, our training starts now," she says.

I follow after her and she walks me to a cavern. I could read the sign above. It was Greek but it read 'Welcome witches' and no one could read it unless they were witches. So this would be fun.

Inside was an old cavern with witches that were so beautiful. Around Cordelias age and younger. There was one older woman around fifty grey hair. She smiles as she sees us coming in.

"Ahh, time travelers, here to teach the young one," The older woman says. The witches all stare at us and it is so awkward at first but the they all smile.

"Come in and we will teach you things you didn't know existed."

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