The next day was a bit harder to grasp. Ashton was supposed to be my guardian but he was having some issues to work out. So in light of all of that I was stuck with me myself and die. Today was a rest day I guess no training nothing. I didn't understand it. Why was Cedric being so distant. Why was Ashton being so silly. I have been here a week and this is what I got. But the week to come was no better in fact since it was such a slow week I'm going to skip ahead.

The day with Lucian what's the sine you continue to train me on my patients behavior. Days with Titan were very unusual he barely spoke to me. The days with Kobe were fun he appreciated me. The day with Cordelia was a blast she took me to room where we learned ancient Greek witchery which was fun.. But Dagur was silent for the most part. He only taught me how to control my vampire sad. Although I was pretty sure I can control it before.

That following Sunday which would have been two weeks that I was here, Ashton family came to his senses so he and I spent the day together. She actually showed me a few things vampires could do such as controlling the mind or compulsion. He actually taught me how to face in and out like a vampire should. He told me how to jump from links of a building which was fun. He also taught me something about myself I didn't know control how to control our energy. How to control our abilities.

He also taught me some fun things like running very fast. It was very fun to run with him although I didn't like hunting I couldn't do it I just could not stand to see an animal heart. He also taught me a fun fact about coyotes. They were superior to dogs but not a superior to wolves. However coyotes were much like humans their emotions ran who they were. Which is why it was easy to kill coyotes because they were always angry and wanting to kill. He also told me that we can read minds if we tried we just had to try to unlock a shield because some creatures can pull up shields. I like most witches have a shield and he said it was hard to read me but he understood the reason I had a shield.

So as the day was coming to an end and I was taught hell to hunt without feeling guilty, the object of that was to listen to my instincts and sad to know that I had to feed no matter what and it was them or me. He was so genuine when he was teaching me these things I finally learned how to kill some of the more distinct and awful animals such as the calories the wild boars bears and there were many more like vultures and to be honest I didn't care about killing vultures they eat all the dead animals that us vampires seem to want but never can get to in time. So it didn't phase me to kill one. But I was at my strongest point in my vampire life because I had so many animals.

" Phoenix I wanted to speak with you because I felt ashamed of what we had talked about before if you don't mind would you please come to my office in 15 minutes and let me talk to you alone," he said in the hall. I didn't really know what to say because the last time we talked he didn't want me near him. But I told him yes and I left to get ready for bed. It was late in the evening right at 8 o'clock at night and I always usually slipped around 10 PM two probably eight in the morning if not earlier. Sometimes Kobe wanted to wake me up early.

Address and a pair of silky shorts and a very thin silky tank top they were both purple a lighter color of course. I headed off to see Ashton in his office. I wasn't excited about this at all. In fact I was nervous. On my way to his office I bumped into Cedric he seemed upset but more calm than before he apologized very genuinely. I felt awful because I lied to him I felt awful because I listened to his conversations. I had listen to his conversation since then. Even though I want to I gave him his privacy.

" Cedric can we talk," I asked. He looked around.

" Phoenix listen I have to go to bed I promise we will talk later but right now I just need some time please," he said. That hurt ouch. I noted to him and told him good night and I continued on to Ashton's office. I knew Ashton would've been listening because our vampire senses they don't always shut yourself off especially the hearing part. Vampires can actually hear from miles away.

I got to the door and he yelled for me to come in. He must've heard me coming. I walked in slowly with a slight grin on my face. He turned to me wearing a pair of sweats and a shirt. His shaggy medium length hair wet from the shower. He looked at me with sad eyes.

" Phoenix I'm glad that you came I wanted to talk to you about the other night I will apologize if I upset you that was not my intentions ," he spoke. He was being genuine but at the same time I knew where this was going.

"Ashton it's fine I promise," I told him. He looked as if he weren't going to enjoy what he said next.

"With that said I think it's best we stop your studies with me for a while," he spoke. Wait what?

"Wait I'm confused you just apologized," he held his hand for me to stop.

"I did because I upset you but it were true. I'm your fathers best friend and so much older than you and my feelings toward you are not professional enough," he said. Did he just say that?

"So you're just bowing out because of your feelings?"

"No I am bowing out because I have responsibilities to protect you and I can't do that if I'm co flicked with feelings," he said.

"So what now," I asked. He sighed.

"We see each other only when having dinner with the rest, or when meetings occur," he said. What? I don't get him at all.

"You know what, fine, let's keep it professional, let's do that, but we are not friends, we are co workers there is friends in any form, to us, understood," I said bluntly. He looked hurt.

"Phoenix I didn't mean," I stopped him.

"I don't care. You said your peace and I'll say mine, Ashton we are nothing but Co-workers."

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