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"Tell me, Midoriya, do you consider yourself a villain?"


Alright, so that happened, it's amazing how he asks the one question I don't have the answer to, I mean you can't just ask that to a 15-year-old... wait- can you? Nezu acting sus!

Also how long has it been y'all! I've missed you!! Gosh, Author-chan what took you so long, this wasn't very plus ultra of you, do your shitty homework on time and don't mess up the weekly schedule again!


I almost spit out my tea and see him chuckling.

"Well, I suppose... It's no secret that I have killed people... it's kinda hard to explain I guess, but I didn't do it just because I wanted to see some blood, ah jeez it's- it's complicated, sir." I mutter but it seems he caught every word I said and nods.

"It's understandable, seeing your records, I'd say that you only targeted specific individuals, your kill count sure is a colourful one, that's for sure, however, the heroes you have killed are most corrupted ones."

He explained with keeping his cool, gosh I don't wanna know what Nezu would do if he got pissed, the is a genius if he were to become a villain-

Dear Jesus, if you're up there, keep him from becoming a villain at all cost.

- Sincerely D⃥e⃥k⃥u⃥
Nope, someone who cares about the humankind

"Well, as I said, I don't kill without a reason." I say and put my tea down on the table. It's true though, I really did my research, I even investigated to the smallest detail, I wouldn't wanna kill for the kill if that makes sense.

"So that's a no?" He asks but I don't reply, to be honest, I don't know what my answer would be. I always saw myself as a hero- scratch that, a true hero.

I still remember my first kill. It was a pro hero...


F l a s h b a c k


I stared at the blood staining my hands through my fingers gloves, I could feel the red liquid dripping from my face as well. This wasn't exactly what I had in mind...

The hero laying in front of me with a limp body as I took a step back, it was suppose to be easier, right?

I mean all I had to do was swing my knife at his throat after immobilising him and the job was done, so why did it hurt so bad, I was supposed to be feeling better, right?

The sound of sirens echoing through the alleys made me snap out it at once. One thought in mind: I have to get out of here.

I grabbed my blood-covered knife using my telekinesis and ran away as fast as I could. All I had to do was keep a low profile, I should be safe that way, I hope...

As I ran, my lungs burned, this was my first time using my telekinesis quirk in a fight, I never imagined it would be this painful. I had just unlocked it a month ago, dear God what was I thinking?! I shouldn't have used my mom's quirk, I'm an idiot.

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