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Standing in front of the massive building of Becker Group of Industries, I took a deep breath. It was located in one of the most expensive and industrial areas of the city. With most of its exterior made of glass, this grey building was giving all the surroundings buildings a run for their money.

This was my sixth interview since my graduation a few months ago. Each of those companies wanted me to work with them, but not because I was first in my class at Yale or I had six letters of recommendation or my academic record had been excellent. They only wanted me for my last name: Pierce.

Christian Pierce, my father, owned a multinational company in San Francisco and was easily one of the most successful businessmen in California. Each company wanted me because having Christian Pierce's son work for them was an achievement on its own, but using my father's name to excel was not how I wanted to start my professional life.

That's the reason why I was standing in front of Becker, the nightmare of every business student. The reason being Faith Becker, the CEO who was rumoured to be the devil reincarnated. She had made many of my old classmates and seniors burst out in tears during the interview and I was surely going to be the next in line.

Heaving a sigh, I entered through the massive glass door and reached the receptionist. Taking off my sunglasses, I flashed her my dazzling smile and rested my arm on her desk in a charming manner.

"Yes, sir. How can I help you?" She asked sternly.

"Good morning to you, too. Can you tell me which way to go for the interviews for Faith Becker's new assistant?" I stared deep into her eyes and she turned flustered for a brief moment, but regained her poise the next. I was aware of my effect on the opposite gender and it was okay to use it to my advantage every now and then.

"Eighteenth floor. The elevator is on the left," she replied.

"Thanks," I said, and made my way towards the elevator. Once inside the empty elevator, I pressed the button for my destination floor and moved to a corner to reassess my resume.

The elevator stopped at the third floor and someone entered. My eyes swayed from the paper to the pair of toned legs standing a few inches away from me. My gaze moved up the slim figure clad in the black pencil skirt and a crisp white shirt and rested on the side of that woman's face. She looked hardly a day above twenty, with her dark hair falling on her shoulders in waves. She was wearing light makeup and a pair of black sunglasses was hiding half of her face.

"Hi, Carter Pierce." I stepped forwards to introduce myself. Instead of replying, she just kept looking in front of her. "Are you here for the interview?" I asked again and once again, no reply.

"Well, if you are, then good luck. I have heard that the CEO is a tough nut to crack. May the best man win!" I added.

For a moment, she turned her neck to look at me but her sunglasses obscured her expression. "Really?" she asked.

"Yeah. I am sure she is one of those women in their late thirties who owns a cat and stays alone in a big mansion." I said. "But you don't have to worry about it as I will be the one working for her."

"Hmm," she mumbled under her breath and turned her eyes back to the front.

"What? You don't think so? Have you looked at me? No one can resist a piece of this, not even the She-Devil." I smirked. It was just meant as a joke but for some reason, her jaw hardened.

"She-Devil? Is that what everyone calls her?" she asked.

"Yeah. She-Devil, Satan, Lady-Hitler, Mean Queen, these are only some of the names my seniors and classmates have told me." I chuckled.

The woman just nodded in return and left the elevator when it stopped on the thirteenth floor, while I remained inside until I reached the eighteenth floor and then stepped out of it.

Everybody on the floor was engrossed in their work. As I stepped forward, a man came to ask me if I was one of the interviewees and then led me to a waiting area. Sitting beside a guy of my age, I began tapping my feet on the marbled floor.

Almost ten minutes had passed when suddenly, havoc emerged on the floor. Everybody started rushing to and fro, reorganizing things and settling at their desks. I stood up and walked into the hallway to have a clearer look at what was happening.

"What the hell are you doing here? Are you trying to get me fired?" the man I met earlier said to me in panic.

"What is happening?" I asked, noticing everybody in their frantic state.

"Miss Becker has arrived. So if you love your life, go sit in your spot," he said.

Narrowing my eyes in confusion, I went back to my seat and sat down with the others here for the interview.

As the woman arrived through the hallway, many people surrounded her at once, informing her of today's projects and other supposedly important things. Curiosity piqued in me and I tried to catch her glimpse but the crowd around her didn't let me. Soon, she was out of my sight and everybody released the breath they were holding in unison.

Is it too late to run now?

For the next few minutes, I kept sitting there like a statue, too anxious to even breathe. After about fifteen minutes, my name was called for the interview and my heart started racing in my chest.

Bracing myself, I straightened my coat and walked forwards towards the conference hall where the interviews were being held. All the people on the floor were looking at me with pity, as if I was a cow being taken to the slaughterhouse.

She can't be that bad, can she? After all, she is just a human being. Right?

As my feet finally reached the conference hall, I ran my fingers through my hair and exhaled deeply. Plastering a confident smile on my face, I entered through the glass door and that's when my gaze landed on the familiar brunette I met earlier in the elevator.

"Fuck." The word left my mouth before I could control it.

All three pairs of eyes moved towards me; one of the devil herself and the other two belonged to two old men sitting on her sides. I couldn't care less about the other two as the only focus of my attention was the woman I just called She-Devil, Satan, Lady-Hitler and Mean Queen to her face some time ago.

"Fuck indeed, Mr. Pierce." Her cold, distant voice echoed in the room.


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