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10| A Wild Night

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Once my driver stopped the car in front of the office building, I stopped scrolling my mobile screen and walked out. Some people walking past me acknowledged me with a nod as I walked towards the massive building.

While walking, a car caught my attention through my peripheral vision. It was Carter's car and although there wasn't anyone in the driver seat, it was jerking slightly.

Curiosity piqued inside me and I walked towards it, stopping right beside the door to the passenger seat. The black tinted windows didn't let me see much but there was certainly something going inside. My mind went to a dirty possibility of him having sex inside, but it sounded like too much of a stretch.

In the end, I finally tapped my knuckles on the window glass, and after a brief moment, the glass slide downwards. My eyes met with a very naked Carter, staring back at me with a toothbrush in one hand and a plain black shirt in the other.

"What are you doing?" I asked while my eyes remained fixated on his bulging arms. His skin was tanned bronze and his body unbelievably ripped. It took a lot of control to not just stare at him like a creep.

"I woke up late and didn't have time to freshen up," he said as he slipped into his shirt.

"You have one minute to dress up," I said to him, crossing my arms in front of my chest. "Your time starts now."

Saying this, I turned around and counted the time on my wrist watch. I could hear some grunting from behind that I chose to ignore. Exactly one minute later, the door to the car opened and Carter stepped out, looking like he had spent hours dressing up. He was wearing white pants and a black shirt that hugged all his muscles.

"Good. You just saved yourself from an hour of scolding," I said and motioned him to follow me.

While we reached my office, he briefed me about today's schedule and meetings. Everyone in the office silenced as soon as we walked by them. They all probably remembered the woman I fired yesterday. The woman didn't have any major fault other than bad timing. My mood was already gloomy because of my dad's death anniversary and she just aggravated it with her stupid mistakes.

"Do I have a meeting tonight?" I asked Cater after entering my office.

"Yes. You have one with the Director of Purchase," he said.

"Cancel it. I'm taking the day off after lunch," I told him and his eyes widened on hearing this.

"What? Why?" he asked.

Narrowing my eyes, I asked, "Do I have to explain myself to you?"

"No, of course not," he said. "But what will I do then?"

"It's Friday night. Enjoy." I smirked and sat on my chair.

He kept looking at me in pure disbelief until I scowled in anger and that forced him to leave.

Taking a day off was not something I usually did but this last week had been particularly taxing on me. I had decided to spend this day pampering myself. Last night, I booked an appointment with my hair stylist for today and then called Penny to pick me up for a night out. Just for one night, I'd live like a normal person of my age, someone who didn't inherit an unwanted business empire to run.


After applying another coat of mascara over my lashes, I stood straight and stared at my reflection in the mirror. The nude, silk, spaghetti strap dress hugged all my curves and ended in the middle of my thighs. My hair was styled in soft curls and the stilettos made me look taller than I really was.

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