2: Getting into Hogwarts

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When we got off the boats we walked up a few sets of stairs and we were all waiting in front of a large brown door. I was stood next to a firey red haired girl with freckles and tatty robes. I scoffed as I realised she must be a Weasley. My father told me all about her older brothers and they're misbehaviour. He also mentioned they were muggle-lovers and there are about a hundred of them in one house.

She didn't seem to notice my dislike for her and began trying to start a conversation with me. "Hey, my names Ginny Weasley. This is exciting huh?" She said in a high voice.

I rolled my eyes in response and walked to the other side of the group of people waiting. She seemed confused by my response but shrugged it off.

A little while later a tall, stern-looking woman with black hair drawn into a tight bun greeted us. She introduced herself as Professor McGonagall. I remembered from what my father told me that she is the deputy headmistress, head of Gryffindor house and Transfiguration professor at Hogwarts. He also said she could spot trouble from a mile off.

She told us about the sorting ceremony and what was going to happen. I already knew from my father though so I zoned out. Next thing, we were all walking into the great hall. There were the four tables lined up with a bunch of older students looking to the front of the room. In the front was a long table with the professors. I spotted my father and gave him a light smile. He nodded his head slightly in return.

My fathers a nice man but in front of others he puts up a wall and gives off an almost evil demeanour. I didn't mind though, it made people scared of him, which made them cautious of me.

Mcgonagall placed the sorting hat on top of a school and explained the process. The hat gave a long winded speech about each of the houses. Soon enough McGonagall was calling out names. I was almost at the bottom of the list.

"Liliana Snape." she called out. I could feel my stomach growing knots and felt my cheeks flush. I walked onto the stage and placed the hat on my head. I noticed everyone was staring at me. Between me being a first year and having the last name of a Professor it definitely caught their attention.

"Ahhh, I wondered when I'd meet Severus' spawn." Said a cold voice in my head. "Now, now, now, where to place you? You have wit and can be loyal. You would do well in Ravenclaw. But, I sense cunning and strong ambition. Hmm..."

The longer I sat waiting for the answer the more nervous I felt. Finally, the hat spoke again.

"I know where to place you..." it said out loud this time before pausing.

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