12: Yellow Eyes

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"Goodnight Dad!" I called as I shut the portrait to his personal quarters. I bumped into something and stumbled backwards. I smirked as I realised it was Granger. "Watch where you're going Mudblood!" I exclaimed, a smirk on my face. She ducked her head and began walking. A pang of guilt shot through my body.

I knew how she felt.

"Urm, Granger?" I called as I caught up. "Yes?" She mumbled. "Urm.." I quickly glanced around looking for something to say. She pulled a mirror from her handbag and that gave me an idea. "Its a little late to be touching up your makeup, don't you think?" I laughed lightly. She stared at me with wide eyes.

"Urm, its for a project." She said a little louder than she had been before. "Oh right." I mumbled. She looked at me suspiciously. "Why are you speaking to me, Liliana?" She asked. "Why not? It's not illegal." I replied. "Okay, thats understandable." She mumbled.

I felt my feet become cold. I looked down to see water where I had stepped. "Whats that?" I asked looking back up at Granger. "Oh no." She gasped. She held up her mirror. We both looked into it and stared into eachothers eyes.

As suddenly as she held it up, we looked to the side of the mirror. In the reflection was a pair of beady, yellow eyes. I squeezed my eyes shut at the horrific sight. I felt my body stiffen as I fell to the cold, wet floor.

I couldn't move, I couldn't see, I couldn't even smell. But I could hear, for how long who knows. I heard a slushing of water and then the noise in the corridor ceased to exist.

A little while had passed and I felt extremely panicked but I couldn't move and my breathing stayed steady. I heard a rush of footsteps and a pair of arms scoop me up. "Quick! We need to get them to the infirmary!" McGonagall exclaimed from a few feet infront of me. I assumed she was holding Hermione.

"Come along then!" Drawled a voice as u felt my body begin to move, not on its own though. I could recognise that voice anywhere. It was my Father's.

Only now it was laced with worry and panic.

I felt my body being rushed up numerous staircases. "What happened?" Called Madam Pomfrey. Sheets enveloped my body and my head rested on a soft cushion. "They were both petrified." McGonagalls voice said, in barely a whisper. "Both? At the same time?" Madam Pomfrey asked in an astonished tone. "It seems so." McGonagall clarified.

There was bustling around for a while before the authorive figures decided it was best to leave us for the night. I heard my Father mumble something about needing to go to the common room before the door to what I assume is the hospital wing slammed shut.

I laid still as a statue for a while longer. I was slowly giving up trying to move.

'Lil? Lil? Are you okay?' A voice asked in my head. 'ELI!' I exclaimed through the link. 'Your Dad just told us that two more students have been petrified. TWO! Where are you?' He asked. I sighed in the link. 'I don't know but something gives me the impression I may be one of those students.' I said softly. The link went silent and I felt it cut off. A pang of hurt went through my body.

The doors slammed open and a voice spoke. But not one I expected.

"Liana!" The voice gasped. Blaise.

I felt a warm hand on my cold one and heard him sit beside me. "This is all my fault!" He exclaimed. "If I hadn't been so jealous and pushed you away you might have been with me instead of getting... petrified." He sobbed. "Its all my fault!"

A rush of sadness swept over my body as I felt like bursting into a fit of tears, but that was prevented by my comatose state.

The doors slammed open once again. I heard Eli's voice boom"Get your hands off of her and step away!"

Then everything began to fade; my sense of feeling, my hearing and I felt nothing but the cold embrace my body.

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