9: Why Does Something Always Have To Go Wrong?

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Things were getting to be the new normal at Hogwarts. I would spend every other night at dinner with my Father and we would bond and practice magic every so often. Eli and I were always by eachother's side. There wasn't a second in the day we weren't together. He would even visit my Dad with me a couple times a week as well.

Blaise would still give me evil glares whenever our eyes met, however, I did notice they were softer than before. The other second year boys would give me smiles when they passed and would sometimes say hello when Blaise wasn't around. They mustn't have wanted to feel like they were betraying their friend, and therefore, didn't conversation with me much. Either that or they just don't care.

Emily, Vi and B were also inseparable. They were like the 3 musketeers or a set of triplets. They often wore similar clothing and acted in similar ways. Eli and I were close with the girls and sometimes our small groups would merge into one.

Overall, the year was getting off to an alright start, excluding a few bumps in the road. I was excelling in my lessons and as much as I find it uncool, found myself in the library a little more often than I would like to admit, doing homework and making notes.

Today is the first Quidditch game of the year I'm not too great a fan of Quidditch, although, should I be watching a game I do tend to get competitive. Eli and I decided against going today and thought it would be best to stay in the castle. We weren't too excited to see the game anyway. The girls were going to go watch, though.


"What time do you think the girls will be back from the game?" Eli asked. We were roaming the halls of Hogwarts in search of something fun to do. "You're a pureblood, Eli. Surely you know the basics of Quidditch." I said a little sassy. "Well yeah, but maybe they have plans for after the game." He snapped back.

"Awh, did I step on your buttons?" I mocked, giggling at his sudden snappiness. "Get a grip." He said gently pushing me to the side. I tumbled in my steps between the push and my laughter at his childishness. "I've never been down here before." I said after composing myself. "Me neither." Eli said peering down the short corridor. "But I don't see much point to it, there's nothing at the end. Now, come on let's go somewhere where there's food." He added.

"No. I wanna look down it." I whined. "No. I want food." Eli whined back. I rolled my eyes and began the short walk down the corridor. I stood looking at the wall facing me as I reached the end. "Please Lil. I want food." Eli nagged from my side.

Suddenly two large doors appeared on the doors before us. We looked at each other and shared similar expressions that screamed confusion. "What did you do?" Eli asked me. "Me? I didn't do anything." I replied, defensively. I rolled my eyes and pushed one of the doors open. I peered inside to see quite a homey setting. It was a Slytherin themed room, with low lights and a few sofas surrounding a coffee table. In front of the setting was a fireplace, and above that was a muggle television.

To another side of the room was a large kitchen setting, with the basic kitchen necessities. The was an large island over there that was filled with plates of all different kinds of foods and sweets.

There was also a few desks and comfy looking chairs to another side, on top was parchment and variously shaped quills.

It was like a common room but much better.

"I wonder who all this stuff belongs to." Eli said, sucking me out of my thoughts. "Oh, it doesn't belong to anyone. I read about this room a few weeks ago. This is the room of requirement." I said bewildered at our discovery.

"Of course you read about it." Eli said in a mock tone. "Shut up. What have I told you about not wanting to look uncool." I replied rolling my eyes.

I stumbled into the room, followed by Eli. "Look, there's food!" He said excitedly from behind me. I laughed as I watched him walk over to the arrangement in the kitchen area. I shoot the door and watched as the wall began to reappear.

"What sorts is there?" I asked, still mesmerised by the room before us. "There's pastries, sweets, pizza, all sorts." Eli replied giddily. I looked at the assortment as my eyes lit up. "Rhubarb and custards!" I shouted. This earned a roar if laughter to emerge from Eli and I.

We spent the rest of the day pigging out on an arrangement of foods and watching muggle television. I wasn't exactly fond of the latter but it was a good way to chill out.

It had turned dark outside by the time we left the room and walked back to the common room. It was only 9pm yet there was no one roaming the halls, which is an odd sight still so early on.

I stepped into the common, followed by Eli. There wasn't many people inside, which made my suspicion and nerves grow. I felt panicked and a little shaky.

I looked around and noticed the only people downstairs were a group of 6th years, a small group of 3rd years, the 2nd year boys I used to call my friends and some an odd few people at desks. The lack of people was worrying and the present people made me uncomfortable.

I glanced at Eli who looked a lot less worried than I felt. 'Where is everyone?' I mind asked. 'I don't know. Maybe the girls do though.' Eli replied. We started walking to the girls dormitories. As we made our way closer to the stairs i cast a spell, I had read in a book, under my breath to allow Eli past the other spells preventing him from going into the girls dormitories.

I told him through our link and told him to seem as least suspicious as possible. We walked up the steps in silence and I only turned around for a split second but as I did, I caught Blaise's gaze. He didn't glare but did look rather upset. I quickly turned around and we finished our journey.

As we stepped into my room we were tackled by the 3 musketeers embracing us into a hug. "Woah, woah, woah! I know I'm amazing and all but give me a chance to actually get into the room before tackling me." I heard Eli say from beside me. "Where have you been?" Em asked as she climbed off of Eli. "And you!" She shouted pointing at me. Vi and B stumbled to there feet and Eli and I stood up.

'Should we tell them?' Eli asked through our link. 'No. I think we should keep it a secret. We need somewhere to chill and not be interrupted.' I replied quickly. 'Fair enough. Like how we have somewhere to speak without them knowing.' He said. 'Exactly!' I exclaimed.

"Hello!" B said waving a hand in my face. "Huh? Oh we were just hanging out." I said nonchalantly." Em nodded. "We were so worried after what happened. We thought you had both been hurt." She replied. I gave her a look of confusion and then looked to Eli who shared the same expression.

"Why? What happened?" I asked quickly. The panic and nerves started to form again. I could feel the room getting colder but I started to sweat. I shook a little and felt sick. Eli looked over at me and grabbed my hand in his. 'Hey, hey, hey. Calm down. You're okay. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth Lil. You are okay.' He said through our link.

I closed my eyes and did as he said until my breathing became even and stopped shaking so much. "What just happened?" Vi asked staring at me. "Urm, nothing I'm fine. But what is going on?" I asked shakily. "Sit down." B said pitifully.

I don't know why I panic so much at everything. It just sort of happens. I jump to negative conclusions about things when I do not know the answer. It makes me nervous and feel absolutely horrible. No one knew this, I'd never really spoke to anyone about it either. Except for Eli of course. But only him, no one else. He knew how to calm me down and did not judge when the occasion arose and I would start having these small attacks.

"We don't really know what happened. But we do know that, like filch's cat, some Gryffindor kid in our year was petrified." Em explained. "Oh Merlin. Do they know how?" Eli asked. Shock and confusion were laced through every word he spoke.

"No. They don't know. You could see the teachers were really worried though. McGonagall looked like she was going to be petrified just at the thought." Vi answered. I looked at Eli and we shared a look of worry. I was next to speak, as I had finally controlled myself.

"I wonder whats going to happen now?"

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