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☆→ ᴛʜᴇ ʙɪᴛᴇ + sᴜᴅᴅᴇɴ ᴛʀᴏᴜʙʟᴇ + ᴜɴᴇxᴘᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ᴡᴏʀᴅs ☆←

"Come here."

A hand wrapped around the omega's wrist, not in a bruising grip, but enough for ethan to wince.

"Aiden?" He asked worriedly, as his twin started pulling him up the Staircase, he recognized were they were going, but why were they heading to Aiden's bedroom?

He swallowed as the two twins entered the alpha's siblings room. The taller one turned, still keeping his grip on his wrist, as he closed the door, with a click.

"Uh-" Ethan stumbled to find words when Aiden grabbed both of his wrists, and forced him to walk backwards. "What, what are you doing?"

Ethan suddenly squeaked as his back collided with the familiar mattress of his twins.

What is going on? First it was stiles who was trying to do something with me, know it's Aiden? This is wrong..

The omega's wrist were in a tight hold against the bed, preventing him from moving, that's when Aiden said something that made ethan coward away.

"Since they don't know who you belong to, I must bite you. Forming a mark to prove." He smirked devilishly.

"Wait what?! Aiden no! You can't!" Ethan said desperately, he started to wrestle out of hold, seeing what Aiden was trying to do.

"Stop, squirming." Aiden threatened, his eyes glowing a red, teeth already forming. "And let me do, what I have to." He snarled.

"B-but I'm your twin!" Ethan cried out, ignoring the threat, continuing to kick his legs, but he was un-successful getting out the hold.

"Exactly, Your my Twin, and you need to be claimed." The taller twin huffed.

"I can't be claimed by my own sibling, Aiden this is wrong!" Ethan tried to tell the alpha twin.

The taller of the two lifted his eyebrows, his hand traveled down his twins torso, stopping at the edge of his shirt. He pulled it up suddenly and over the omega's head.

Ethans eyes widened,seeing aiden's glowing red eyes and sharp teeth already formed.

"Please..please Aiden, don't" he swallowed.

"Plead with me all you want little twin," he paused, looking down and into his twins brown eyes, "but you couldn't stop me" he flashed a toothy grin.

His eyes scanned the omega's neck, his pupils dilated, seeing a spot were his neck and shoulder meet, his hand gently landed on the twins jawline, moving his head to side to expose it more clearly.

"Keep your head their, Ethan" he demanded in a serious tone.

"O-okay" ethan just obeyed, he knew his twin was right, he couldn't out-match him. But this mark, or bite was going to hurt as hell. He winced at the Soon to be coming pain already.

The omega clenched his eyes shut tightly when he felt his twins fangs dangerously close to his skin.

Just embrace the pain..just embrace the pain.. ethan whimpered at his thoughts.

"W-will this hurt.." he asked, with a sad expression.

"That's for your wolf to decide, pup" Aiden replied in his ear.

"What do you-" Ethan didn't finish his sentence, as he gasped when Aiden bit into his neck without warning (⚠️).

It was like a stinging feeling. And it hurt.

"A-Aiden, it hurts!" He cried out, squirming under his twin, feeling sudden tears in the edge of his eyes.

His body was shaking, feeling his twins fangs going deeper into his neck, definitely a bite mark forming.

I can't, I can't embrace the pain.. ethan shivered, as he couldn't control his breathing.

He yelped when Aiden pulled back slowly, his fangs coming out of his skin, and it wasn't a good experience.

And he couldn't move, because his wrists were pinned on either side of his head.

He turned his head slowly, wincing at the pain. Looking up at his twin, who had HIS blood dripping down the sound of his mouth, did he really bite him that deep for a claim mark to form?

"O..o..ow" he chocked on a pained sob.

"Don't worry pup, the bite isn't just pain, you'll feel..changes soon" he winked, considering the situation. "But I'm sorry your wolf rejected the pleasurable part" he added.

"W-why would my wolf reject it?" Ethan stuttered, trying to calm his body down.

"That's something I don't know.." Aiden glanced. "But know, the others will know about the bite" he smirked.

"D-did you really have to bite that deep.." he whimpered. "It hurts like hell, please don't do it again-" he pleaded.

"Yes. I did. Don't worry, it won't hurt Forever" Aiden rolled his eyes. "God, you always overreact ethan" he huffed.

"Stop your wining," Aiden said agitated. "Your lucky I even pulled back, it was pleasurable for me" he growled.

"S-Sorry.." he whispered. Aiden scoffed, releasing his twins wrists as he got off him and stepped back.

Ethan leaned his body up, wincing as every movement he made effected the bite.

"Can..can I at least put a bandage on it? Try to reduce the pain.." ethan glanced down.

"Do you want me to bite you again!" Aiden barked, making ethan flinch at his twins short temper. "Stop being a baby Ethan, I love you but, you always do this" he snarled.

"I-I wouldn't be like this if you weren't so cold and mean" ethan Fought back, grabbing his shirt, as he put it on again.

"I'm like that for a reason, Ethan. You have to be tough to survive, we're wolves, were predators, not prey!" His eyes flashed a red.

"You never used to be like that in the pack.." he mumbled, hearing aiden's breath hitch.

The omega stood up with a stumble, taking a glance into his Twins shocked face before heading to the bathroom to bandage the bite.

He sighed, taking out a bandage as he placed it Over his neck, thoughts began to cloud his mind.

Why did he change? Were's the protective, care, friendly twin I know.. he thought, his face saddened in the thoughts.

In the Stilinski household, stiles was sitting on his bed with his phone in his hand, texting someone when he noticed his hands shaking slightly, it caused his phone to fall out his hands and hit the floor.

He looked down, his breath was shaky, remembering the accident before, as he stared at his shaking hands, his hands moved closer to each other, as his body began to tremble.

"Oh..oh god, what's happening-" he whispers to himself, starting to get scared.

"Void, if..if your doing this, stop" stiles stuttered, almost falling on his face as he stood up from his bed, his legs were literally trembling.

"I never said I would be friendly to you, stiles." The foxes voice said behind him, making stiles gasp loudly and turn around quickly. "It was just an act for the omega.." he trailed off, void's eyes deepened until they were pitch black.

Stiles suddenly cried out as a loud ringing began in his head, he held his head with his hands.

"Why are you doing this!" Stiles said shaking.

"You really need to learn to..
"Not trust a fox stiles." He laughed in a sarcastic manner.

( ahaha..see what I did their, that little twist? Lmao. )

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