Pt. 8 / 𝒻𝒾𝓃𝒶𝓁𝑒 👀

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→☆ ғᴀᴄɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴀʙɪʟɪᴛᴇs ᴏғ ᴀ ᴡᴇʀᴇᴡᴏʟғ, ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴀɴᴅs, sʟɪɢʜᴛ ᴀɴɢᴇʀ, ☆←

Liam groaned his he tiredly opened his eyes, feeling extra sleepy, like he literally had to fight to keep his eyes open to adjust to the sunlight pouring into the room.

He mumbled something, his eyes feeling so droopy, he oddly felt a warm presence behind him, then the body rolled to the other side, releasing him.

He heard the familiar, tired groan of Scott.

Liam's eyes' s widened as he tried to lean up, but he yelped as quietly as he could when he felt extremely Sore in his legs and thighs, and rear.

"Jesus.." he mumbled. "What happened last night.." he added, speaking quietly.

He took a breath, his eyes finally cooperating as he opened them fully, his light green eyes shining in the morning light.

The male glanced behind him, seeing Scott's back facing him, sleeping soundly.

"Why-?" He grew more confused, looking around the werewolves room.

His attention adverted back to Scott who turned around, know facing him.

"Scott." Liam whispered.

"Scott.." Liam whispered again, shaking the alpha slightly.

The taller huffed out in annoyance, cracking his puppy dog eyes open, being met with a set of green ones.

"What.." he mumbled in his tired state.

"What the hell happened last night? Why am I in your room?" Liam added, leaning up fully, ruffling his hair. "And why am I shirtless?" He swallowed.

"We went to a rave party at Derek's and then Issac dragged us back home, since we were both intoxicated and then I fucked you." Scott said Casually, hugging the pillow he was laying his head on, closing his eyes.

"What?!" Liam's face instantly deepened into a red, "is that why I'm sore?!" He squealed.

"I'll tell you later when I wake up, go back to bed puppy." Scott mumbled, a tired sigh leaving him as he relaxed his muscles, letting the sun shine on his bare upper body.

Liam huffed.

"I'm not, so do you have coffee?" Liam asked, but he saw Scott was already passed out again.

"Ugh." He huffed.

Liam sighed, stretching his arms out to hear a satisfying crack, throwing his legs to the edge of the bed as he stood up.

"If all that happened last night..why do I feel fine?" He asked himself, feeling around his body, the bite marks and soreness of his legs were gone and he felt fine. He didn't even feel tired anymore.

He shook his head, ruffling his hair again as he opened Scott's door and started heading to the staircase as he walked down them.

He was shocked when he saw his phone on the Stairs, must of dropped it last night, he picked it up and turned it on, seeing like 10 missed calls and messages from his mom.

Crap..he thought, he told her the other day after school he was going to Scott's house, but he never told her he was going to a party.

He groaned, rubbing his face with his hand, as he reached the last step, stepping into Scott's kitchen.

Know we're are you coffee..?

Meanwhile, Scott started to wake up, and him being a alpha, he started to remember the whole thing last night, but the after effects of the alcohol didn't affect him, small side affect of healing.

Man, that was crazy..OH MY GOD LIAM. Scott thought in a panic, remembering the bite he gave last night.

Shit, shit, shit. He thought while scrambling to get out of the bed.

Liam was leaning against the counter, enjoying his caffeine to wake him up fully when he started hearing noises from outside, like birds, and cars, and people.

How the hell.. he thought, his face in confusion. How can I hear that? He wondered.

That's when he heard Scott scrambling down the staircase, and turned the corner to the kitchen.

"You okay, Scott?" Liam asked.

"Liam..I made a mistake, I'm so sorry, oh god.." Scott swallowed.

Liam oddly sensed the nervous and rapid heartbeat of Scott, and it was freaking him out. He set down his coffee.

"What-what do you mean?" Liam asked.

Scott glanced away, putting his hand on his neck.

"Scott, Answer me!" Liam suddenly had a boost of anger, he felt claws replacing his fingernails, and he felt canines growing in his mouth.

He gasped, putting his hands over his mouth, making a muffled scream when he saw claws.

"Mmmm!" He squealed.

"Liam, calm down! I will tell you everything I promise!" Scott rushed, making his way over to his new beta, trying to calm him.

The alpha wrapped his arms around the beta.

"Shhh, calm down, it's okay, calm down." Scott said softly, sighing in relief when he felt Liam's body calm down in his arms. "I will tell you everything, I promise." He added, resting his head on-top of Liam's.


About an hour later, Scott had called stiles, Isaac, the twins, Derek to his house, they all arrived because Scott said it was urgent.

He told them all about last night and how he turned Liam into a werewolf, of course, they were all shocked and mad at him, especially Derek.

But seeing how Scott flinched away from their yelling and growling and Liam standing their flinching, they had to stop and change the situation.

They started telling Liam about how the bite is a gift, but great abilities and control comes with it. The moon, the urge to kill and break free, the anger, the control. Liam stayed quiet, he just wanted to know. But he was mad at Scott, it was like he arrived here two days ago, and Scott already turned him in the supernatural world!

They reassured the shorter beta he would be fine, but he felt connected to Isaac, since he was another beta. So they chose that the taller beta should help him more, Derek agreed, seeing as they both had the same ranks.

Eventually, Liam adjusted to his new supernatural self, to be honest, it was kinda cool to have these abilities, the strength, the speed, the claws, and roar. But he had a hard time controlling his anger, even after have Been a werewolf for 2 months, Brett always pissed him off, but he kinda calmed down. Even when it was hard.

But, he adjusted to it, Brett was his main problem but being invited to join Scott's pack made him stronger, the members all were nice to him, so he just had to live with being picked on by the other pack beta, but with the help of the members, he was fine.

( and this book is completed! I know this is kinda off a trashy ending and I'm really sorry for that- 😔 but, currently I've been getting back into THE VAMPIRE DIARES fandom again, and know I'm thinking of doing a new book on that, I'm still watching teen wolf though, lol. But the vampires are getting into my heart again- 💖🥴😂, so, I hope you guys enjoyed this book! I might make a TVD one, and I'm definitely making a teen wolf one shot, but their not scheduled so idk when I'm going to do it, but I'll do them I promise, bye guys!! 🤟🖐🤪😅 )

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